This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Rondoron | |
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Sentinels | |
World: | Eldar |
Vocation: | Forester |
Class: | Champion |
Race: | Elf |
Region: | Mirkwood |
Age: | 367 |
Height: | 5.3" |
Sex: | Male |
Skin: | Fair |
Hair: | Blonde braids |
Eye: | Blueish greenish eyes |
Physical Description: Rondoron is a battle hardened elven champion of mirkwood and also a ladies man. While not being as skilled with a bow as the silvan elves, he is skilled with a sword. He gets along with hobbits and elves alike but not to fond of dwarves and men since both races have corrupted hearts aswell as fellow allies.Hes also quite fond of beer, and can down a few pints and still not be drunk.
Personality Description: Rondoron has a mixed personality, hes a nice guy who doesn't have such a short temper as most people do, hes kind hearted towards nearly anyone, he likes to keep his cool especially around women and will try to aid/protect as many people as he can(which is why he deadlocks into a melee battle before anyone else to show hes a skilled warrior and also shows off to the ladies). He tries to stay in combat aslong as he can without asking for help but very appriecative if you save/aid him.
-early life- Rondoron, his heritage unknown was found upon a burnt tree near elven structered buildings that orcs had pillaged and razed in the region of Mirkwood,still young he was brought forward to King Thranduil and cared for with the other elves, even though he wasn't of the silvan race of elves. He got along well with the elves even though some didn't think highly of him, at a early age he fell in love with a beautiful elf maiden named nayl, he got along well with her. one day when he took her to a sacred and beautiful place he found while adventuring as a child with thranduil's son legolas, he told her he deeply loved her but before she could reply spiders suddenly fluged out of the trees, fortunately there was a band of hunters nearby to hear the screams of nayl. after driving off the spider threat they found nayl bitten by a spider she was badly wounded and heavily poisoned, in her last breath she told rondoron how much she loved him, and died in his arms.
-present life- Sauron found out about the elves of mirkwood and drove them further north in to the forest. soon after when the elves of mirkwood were forced to move northward to settle in another part of mirkwood, Rondoron went abroad to the elven refuge of edhelion Although he didn't escape sauron's wrath there, as the city came under attack from a goblin and dourhand dwarf raid Rondoron was one of the few that fended and escaped saurons clutches.he fled to celondim, a elven city not to far from the elven port known as the grey havens. after sometime Rondoron's deeds became known to the people of ered luin, after rescuing and fighting along side an elven prince by the name of athoral he was told to head east towards the establised man city of bree-land to lend his aid against the on-growing tide of orcs.
After traveling across the lands of the lone lands, evendim, the shire and bree, rondoron came to the north downs, the last main stronghold of the free peoples keeping back angmar's forces, rondoron started helping the people of the north downs from gathering herbs for potions to fighting ferocious drakes-more often referred to as dragons, it was here that rondoron allied himself with a man captain of gondor called jayson, after completing such deeds as destroying drake eggs the two men became friends. it wasn't long until he was sent to dol dinen along with a mixed band of elves, dwarves, men and hobbits, there was jayson rondoron's friend, a woman who was called pauline, a warden who protected the weak, a dwarf champion of othikar called mattori, a rune keeper who was as good a healer as he was in combat, a hobbit minstrel called phippia, she healed the wounds of the party and another elf called anyen, a elven princess of pure beauty who also was a warden and protected the weak,she struck rondoron's heart and while not telling her, he had deep affection for her.
As the group made their way to the main encampment of dol dinen, the company were given objectives to sabotage siege weapons such as siege towers and catapults to killing the captains of the lower ranks of dol dinen. Rondoron staying in the midst of combat plunged himself into the orcs and goblins to protect the rest of the group as they healed and aided rondoron, soon after killing the weak servants of dol dinen, the more stronger warriors were forced into battle, which was when the company had to flee. they each went their seperate way hoping to meet each other again but rondoron insisted that he would go with anyen to protect her and aid her.
Rondoron and anyen started traveling together, they both drawed closer and closer but keeping their cool, they just made remarks to one liking the other. after a few days of traveling the pair decided to travel seperately, rondoron didn't tell her he loved her, but he did say he cared for her and after exchanging smiles they watched the sunset together.
General quotes
"Careful, for the road ahead may be dangerous"
"One day, i'll find out who I truly am!"
"As long as you don't backstab me, i'll protect you to the very end"
In-combat quotes
"I am Rondoron, champion of Mirkwood!"
"You shall find this elf quite dangerous!"
"Hey after your finished, mind giving me a hand with this guy?"
"Beat them with elven blade!"
"People, save me!"
Flirt comments
"Maybe I should take you out for a drink sometime, to repay you for being beautiful"
"Hey, you know you love me right?"
Friends and Enemies
Beer - A elf's best friend *Hic*
Shelob, the spider guarding the pass of Cirith Ungol one of the secret ways into the region of Mordor. Laid many brood in the dark corners of Mirkwood. While not being a real enemy, Rondoron takes it upon himself to destroy any spiders he comes across to pay for the one he loved and lost to the accursed vermin, long ago.
He also hates people acting stupid in the most dangerous of times, including mischievous hobbits
Sauron - for sending a orc raiding party to destroy his loving family
Orcs,Nazgul,Evil dwarves,Evil men,Uruks,Goblins and wargs (anything that pledges alliance to sauron)
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