User:Hurinschilde/Gwainithorn Northernstar
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description: Tall and wiry, Gwainithorn (called Gwain by his compatriots of Men and Dwarves) is similarly built to most Elves of Ered Luin. His pale skin and auburn hair sets him apart from his Rivendell or Lorien kin. His green eyes often look west to the Grey Havens of Ciridan, his kindred uncle, longing for his turn to go into the West. His hair is plaited short for battle, with golden leaves woven into the plaits as a constant reminder that his time in Middle Earth is fading and precious.
Personality Description: Gwainithorn was a farmer and musician before Skorgrim and the Dourhands attacked the Refuge of Edhelion. Forced to survive for months before making his way south to Duillond, he became an adept hunter and grew to hate the dwarves of the Blue Mountains. Like many elves of Eriador who remember the previous age, he is brooding and moody. Often inclined to remain alone rather than join in with others. Though he has come to accept Thorin's people and has become a kindred with them, he is still wary of dwarves in general. He is driven to accomplish the task laid before him by Gandalf and Galadriel, to continue the fight against the growing Shadow, and thus help the Gray Company complete their quest. Still, he longs for the call to go West and into the Undying Lands.
Gwainithorn is one of the few survivors from the Refuge of Edhelion in the Blue Mountains. His uncle, Cirdan, took his two sisters into his home in the Grey Havens so that Gwainithorn could grieve his losses and regain his purpose in the battlefields. Often Gwainithorn joined up with the Rangers of the North to battle Orcs coming out of Angmar when the false Witch King began his incursions into Fornost and the lands of the North Downs. He is very uncomfortable around 'little people' and has only ever entered the Shire out of utmost need--remaining as unseen as possible when he does. His travels early in life took him through Moria during Balin's reclamation efforts and into Lothlorien. There, he fell in love with the daughter of Laerdan, the beautiful Narmeleth, and her loss to him drove him near to insanity--forcing him to wander the deepest places of Moria is dispair. Balin himself found Gwainithorn in the depths of the Water Works. Put right again in Rivendell, by Elrond himself, Gwainithorn traveled to Bree to meet Gandalf who told him or Aragorn's quest to the south and east--into the Great Shadow or Moria. Having befriended Aragorn some 60 years ago as a young lad in Rivendell, Gwainithorn was wont to join his friend's mysterious quest, but Gandalf spoke to him of a greater need. This fight to curb the growing Shadow in the Free Lands was confirmed by a vision given by Galadriel in a dream.
Friends and Enemies
Gwainithorn's two sisters, Aeowyn Northernstar, and Amalthya Northernstar, have recently joined the fight against the Shadow, though Gwainithorn is unaware of this.
- N/A
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