This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Grimvar | |
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World: | Snowbourn |
Vocation: | Armsman |
Class: | Champion |
Race: | Dwarf |
Region: | The Lonely Mountain |
Age: | 87 winters |
Height: | A common dwarf size |
Sex: | Male |
Skin: | Light |
Hair: | Black |
Eye: | Green |
Physical Description: Grimvar is a strong middleaged dwarf. He likes to have his long black hair(beard) loose. "Make 'em enemies flee in terror" as he says. He got a scar over his right eye, after a wolf attack in his chidhood.
Personality Description: Allthough he often appears as a grim figure, he is really friendly. And he will help anyone that needs his help... for a small price.
Born in the could mountains with no one else than his brother, Throllgar. Wandering around in the wild the brothers learned the lavs of nature, the strongest survives. They soon found a tiny village and there a kind old dwarf took the brothers in. The old dwarf were called Hugan. Hugan though Grimvar and Throllgar many things. Some years later, when the brothers were ready they were brought to Thorins hall were they began their training. Grimvar favorued the axes and became a Champoin. Throllgar liked better the shield and hammer, and he became a Guradian.
One day as they was going minning they met with a old wizard called Gandalf. He made the brothes search the silver mine for a lost dwarf. They found the pitty dwarf, together with Gimli he fought a troll. After this happening the brothers was tossed on a epic journey through out Middle-Earth. Healping out Strider, Gandalf, Elrond and even Tom Bombadil. From the Freezing West to the black land in East, the brothers stay put to each other. Were will it end? No one trully knows.
Friends and Enemies
- Throllgar (his brother)
All creatures of Sauron and his former master, Morgoth.
He drank once 50 ale and not event feel any difference. Atleast he said so. Rumours say that he have been in the great barrows and have danced with Tom Bombadil is his hut.