This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description: Most often seen these days wearing a worn leather coat with various pockets stuffed with various tools, accouterments, papers, and the occasional widget. Aside from a very old scar on the brow above his left eye there are no particular markings on this old dwarf. A keen eye will notice various tinkerer's tools, a collapsible horn (the instrument sort), prospector gear, a small, dented kettle, maps, notes, various sketches, any number of flagons, and a pair of axes.
Personality Description: Having become somewhat eccentric in his old age, Pellinor is prone to random comings and goings with nothing particular to tie him in any one place. Though a friendly sort of dwarf when amiably approached he is often content to keep to his own; often smoking silently in the common room of a tavern or playing his own in a more private back room.
Pellinor enjoys a number of hobbies including fishing, brewing, playing his horn, and, more recently, traveling.
Born in the final decades of the War of Dwarves and Orcs Pellinor was far too young to fight in the final battle in the Valley beneath Khazad-dum. That didn't stop him from following his father to Dimrill Dale as a scullion. Naturally he couldn't just stand-by during the climatic battle so he donned a kettle for armor and a skillet and cleaver for weapons and joined the melee. This action earned him the scar on his brow, a few broken ribs, and the moniker "Kettlehelm."
Following the end of the War Pellinor and his wounded father traveled back to the Blue Mountains with most of the other Broadbeams. His life in Ered Luin has been largely uneventful but respectable. A crafter by trade, Pellinor ran a small shop best known for quality gears and mechanical parts for several decades before closing it recently to begin his travels.
In the due course of his travels, Pellinor happened upon and joined the Order of the Leaf and Bean. This happened shortly before the opening of the Order's Tavern and Ol' Pell was more than happy to join in time to assist with the Grand Opening.
Pellinor describes his own adventure in his youth at the Grand Opening of the Tavern...
"I've no stirring verses or valourous stories, but I suppose I've a tale to tell. Ye see, thar was a time when e'en Ol' Pell weren't sa old. Aye, once I was a wee youngin', hard as it mightin' be ta beleive. Just a wee scamp of a lad, popped outta the womb in tha' midsts a' war. This a' course was tha' War of Dwarves and Orcs, a mighty long time ago. More'n two hundred years by my reckonin'.
"Well, as it happened, me Mother, bless 'er, weren't gonna raise no squaller 'erself so soon as I was old enough she sent me marchin' off after me pa. Me Father, it turns out, was part o' tha' force sweepin' them orcs outta tha' Mountain back then. When I caught up with the campaign the old Sergeant a' Arms took one look at me wee self and sent me off fer scullion duty!
"Ah yes, there I was, jess barely in me twenties and scullionin' fer the biggest dwarven army a' this age. Weren't bad work neither, mind ye ye had ta be careful about the louts when thems got too much a' tha drink in 'em. Wells we went about and we swept them gobbos and orcs right outta their holds 'n keeps 'n camps and we just kept on rollin' 'em down, all the way to the Dimrill Dale. And thar we were, right at the gates ta Khaza-dum itself. Ah, twas glorious. See, there were four a dem fer every one a' us. Better odds we couldnae asked fer!
"Sad ta say that I can't rightly recall how tha' battle started off, but I recall tha rush of 'em. Boggarts and grumpkins and goblins and trolls and orcs and all manner a' nasties just swept in on us. Every dwarf had an axe drippin' and the battlecries echoed off tha' mountains! Baruk Khazad! Khazad ai-menu!
"Well what was a lowly young scullion ta do? I had na arms, na armor'. Foes left 'n right but nothin' ta strike 'em with and me just a wee lad not yet grown ta stature. So, I took me trusty kettle and a nail and I popped two holes in it, sos I can see, eh? Popped it on me head like them Broadbeams a' old whot used ta wear them iron masks ta battle. Then I grabbed up me cleaver 'n a good iron skillet and I ducked out inta tha foray'
"It didnae take long fer me ta find a goblin, tearin' about and screaming like mad. See, 'e had a bolt in his eye and I reckon it was drivin' 'em a bit batty! Well my skillet sure gave 'em whot fer and as soon as he'd dropped it was on to tha next!
"Goblins and boggarts fell ta me skillet 'n cleaver and I felt that good ol' bloodrage from the olden times. Like that's why I can't recall the whole thing but in bits 'n peices. Somethin' musta hit me tha cause I woke up after tha battle with a big dented kettle next ta me. Me skillet 'n cleaver weren't nowhere ta be found, but like as not they were under some orc corpse as we'd routed the whole lot of them whot didn't turn 'n flee like tha cowards they are"
Pellinor points the scar over his left eye. "'n I had dis 'ere. Me own badge a' courage. That's 'ow I came by tha name Kettlehelm ta. Still got that ol' kettle ta, though it ain't na use with two wholes punched in it and a bit ol' dent on it! Pa 'n I went back on up to tha' Blue Mountains after that 'n there we stayed whot like respectable Broadbeams."
- Pellinor has no doubt been spotted by a fair number at the Prancing Pony; often enjoying his pipe in the Common Room or his horn in the rear rooms.
- For roughly two centuries Pellinor was the sole proprietor of a well respected shop in Thorin's Hall known as the Runegear.
- When asked Pellinor states that he's traveling to find something but doesn't seem particularly aware of what that something might be.
- Pellinor's duties at the Tavern of the Order of the Leaf and Bean include primarily keeping the place in good order, seeing to guests, and constructing and maintaining the large percolator used to brew the "kaffee" the Order is known for.