This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Gandalfbialy | |
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World: | Vanyar |
Vocation: | Ettenmoors |
Class: | Lore-master |
Race: | Man |
Region: | Gondor |
Age: | 50 |
Height: | 50 |
Sex: | Male |
Skin: | White |
Hair: | White |
Eye: | Greed |
Physical Description:
Personality Description:
Gandalfbialy ist cerated at juli 2007. Er hat 50 lvl und 4 rank (Man-At-Arms). jetz ist er in Ettenmoors, weil er mit enemies kampfen. Level 50 erwerbt am winterferien 2008. Gandalfbialy ist Einzelganger.Er hat eine huse nicht. Er reist oft. Kurzlich war er in Misty Mountain.
- Eruis
Staff, Speed 2.6, Damage 65-89, 29.62 damage per second, +180 morale, +180 power, durablity 90, normal, worth 8s,
- Warior`s Blade
one-handet sword, off hand, Min. lvl 50, Damage 45-67 Beleriand, Speed 2.2, 25.91 damage per second, +22 power, +15 might, +15 aglity, Durablity 100, Wield: Your hit-chance is slightly increased, +1% mele critikal chance, +15% chance of lowering target`s armour, worth: 36s Warrior of Rivendel, (2/5) +13 aglity, (3/5) +26 might, (4/5) +7 aglity, Kindered Standig with the Elves of Rivendel,
Gandalf wield a Sword in left Arm, and a Staff in right Arm. Gandalfbialy ist erste Poler. Player-friend of Gandalf ist Armkos und Legolass . Gandalfbialy hilft gern. Am 11.06.08 war er in Ettenmoors.
Gandalfbialy ist freund of Elves, Hobbits und Dwarfs. Oft hilft er hobbits in Hoarhallow. Wahrend Seine Rise nach Mysty Moutain hat er mit Gigants und Dragons gekampft. Gandalfbialy smoke oft. Er shlaft dunn. Er hat Pferd, Bar, Luchs und Krahe, welchen mit er kampfen. Gandalfbialy ist freund of Tiere. Plant er die Reise nach See Evendim durch Shire. Er zuruckkommen durch North Down nach Bree. Kurzlich hlift er Lossoth in Forochel.
Friends and Enemies
- Free Peaples of Midle-Earth
- Animals in Ettenmoors (Bear and Eagles)
- Orcs, Goblins, Gigants, Spiders, Balrogs, Witch-King, Sauron, Saruman, Trolls, Nazgul, Wargs, Dour-root,
- Uruks, Hilmens, Dourhand Dwarvs
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