This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description: Galodin stands tall, taller than a common elf, with his grey hair far and long over his shoulders, he mostly wears a long Elvish robe or his ceremonial armour from the Lóriengwaith. His eyes are remarkably light blue and he looks like a man with the age of 20 altough he is much older than that.
Personality Description: Galodin is a silent elf and does not speak when he does not need to. His voice is very soft and he talks calm and with peace. A smile is not often find on his face for he still mourns for the dead of his family during the cruel kinslaying in Doriath.
Galodin's Youth in Beleriand
Aerdil and Melliniel had a son, whom they called Galodin and he was blessed with an ever wakend mind and with the tongues of nature for Galodin can speak in every language of the Arda, he understands every tounge, from the children of the Ilúvatar to Animals and even the tounge of trees.
Galodin was born in the city of Doriath but he was merely found there for he was often found in the woods of Neldoreth. He never was an average Elf, the people from Doriath seemed to frown when ever he passed them for he never spoke a word with anyone and he had no friends (besides from Animals) until the day he met Celenÿar, Celenÿar Nimlaïwen. Celenÿar and Galodin became friends and she was the first and best friend Galodin ever had. Therefor Galodin was very interested in her and he always invited her to walk with him trough the woods of Neldoreth and talk with him. For he told the young girl many tales as she was the first person he ever really talked to except for his family.
The fall of Doriath
"I heard the singing of arrows and the crying of children when I arrived at the city after my walk with Celenÿar trough the woods, I saw how people were being murdered like animals by our own kin"
Galodin walked, in shock by the dead bodies around him, trough Doriath and at this moment Aerdil ran towards him and told him to take Celenÿar with him to flee, and so they did. At this moment Melliniel was already dead for she had cast herself into the Sirion, afraid of being murdered by the Noldor.
Imirilë caught up with the children and flew with them into the deep woods of Neldoreth. Defending the children, she fought long and slew her spouse's father Ordir, yet fell under the cruel strikes of Limodeth who fell in rage about his brother's death. Yet the children flew and where not to be found anymore. Galodin and Celenÿa found another group of fleeing Teleri and together they crossed the Ered Luin and went forth to the Nandor and Laiquendi who offered them shelter.
The return to Doriath
After staying with the Nandor for a while, Galodin travelled back to Doriath to look for his family.
"I ran into my old house and when I stepped trough the door I was shocked, I saw chairs and paperwork all over the ground yet there was something that was still in his own place, still shining and beautiful as it always was.. it was Silivegil, my fathers sword, I took it and walked out of the door to the streets of Doriath and I saw how the place had become a ruin with corpses all over the place and I mourned for the fate of the innocent people who were killed by their own kin.."
Greenwood and Lórien
After that, Galodin went with a small group of Teleri east, to Greenwood the great now called Mirkwood and he lived there until he saw how the place became corrupt and how darkness was spreading from the east and so he crossed the Aduin and made the woods of Gold his home. Yet he did not live there for long for he wanted to travel to Imladris and so he did. Yet.. he had to go trough the black pit called Moria.
Moria and Imladris
"I, Galodin Dunedhel, am writing this note because I do not know if I will get out of this place alive for I have been here for long and I do not know of time anymore for it is always dark here, I do not know if it is midday or midnight.. all I know is that if I make a source of light, the dark beasts will notice me.. I pray that Estë plays her peaceful songs for me and that I will get out of this place as soon as it is possible.."
After months Galodin reached the other end of Moria and when he saw his first daylight in a long time he thanked the Ilúvatar thousand times.
When Galodin finally reached Imladris he met his closest and only friend Celenÿar and her youngest daughter Nimlarië. And for the first time in many years Galodin smiled again for he saw his dearest and oldest friend once again.
Lóriengwaith Cuvuiën-en Laurelindórenan
When Celenÿar and her daughter returned to the woods of Gold, so did Galodin and he now lives there in a great Mallorn tree once again. Celenÿar, her spouse Idëarindil, Nimlarïe and Galodin established a gathering of elves to help the Golden Host and the woods, they all love, and call this circle Lóriengwaith Cuvuiën-en Laurelindórenan.
Lóriengwaith Cuvuiën-en Laurelindórenan, (Elves of Lórien and the awakening of the Golden Woods), is a gathering of fine and honest elves who seek not only shelter and peace but aswell wisdom and friendship. Eventhough Warriors (Maethorim) will be gathered within, Lóriengwaith presents particulary no warband.