User:Galdor/loadon greentree

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loadon greentree
heros of middle earth
World: Snowbourn
Vocation: Tinker
Class: Lore-master
Race: Man
Region: gondor
Age: 24
Height: 6foot 10 inchs
Sex: male
Skin: white
Hair: white dyed :D
Eye: greeny blue


Physical Description: a tall man with a long beard and a lovely trait friendliness and is willing to defend anything he belives and being the leader of his fantastic kinship always putting him self first and is willing to die for his m8's my kin and friends and the thing that keep this lore master fighting. he has bright greeny bluey eyes and a lovely big rangers robe and a pointy hat that he loves.

Personality Description: in this lore masters soul is the fighting Spirit of the balrog and souron together and when his pet lynx legolynx is with him he could rule all of middle earth and with his kin by his side he could rule all of middle earth in one day so watch out. when he is not fighting he is as soft as a pet dog and is as friendly as ever and is always willing to have a chat and is ways does stuff for his kin before him self 9 times out of 10 so as you canb work out his kin is his most Prized Possession so dont attack his kin or anything he gets along with.


Friends and Enemies


i have many friends such as igorr mystro fintock andriale and all my kinship as i am the leader :D


orcs trolls and anything that just generally anything that hits me with something sharp and pointy.


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