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Galadannun Fateweaver
Red Arrows
World: Landroval
Vocation: Historian
Class: Lore-master
Race: Elf
Region: Rivendell
Age: unkown
Height: 5ft. 11in.
Sex: Male
Skin: Fair
Hair: Blonde
Eye: Blue


Physical Description:

Personality Description:


Hearken, my friends, to my tale. It is a story of pain, despair, anger, joy, courage, and hope. My name is Galadrandir Fateweaver, an elf of Noldorin race. I am old, even according to the standards of the elves, for I have seen many things that have never been seen by men, dwarves, and many elves that are never traveled to the Undying West. I was born in the noon of Valinor when elves, Maiar, and Valar alike danced in the light of Culurien and Ninquelote, the two trees created by the Valar to light all of Arda and that grew upon Ezellohar. There was much joy in those days as I learned the tales of the journey from Cuvienen by my father and of the Riding of Orome. My father, Rumil, composed in those days many songs that have never been heard in Middle Earth ere the darkness came. He was often upon Taniquetil singing to Manwe Sulimo of Eru’s creation of Arda and the Music of the Ainur that he learned from Lorien and Nienna. Thus, in the peak of our power, Feanor, son of Finwe the High King of the Noldor, made the Silamrils from the light of the two trees. Never will anyone, Man, Elf, or Vala see another thing created by one of the Children of Illuvatar more beautiful than the jewels fashioned by Feanor. Little did I know that the forging of those jewels would change my life forever. A certain day the Elves and the Valar were holding a great feast in Tirion. During the festivities, darkness crept into Valinor. Melkor and Ungoliant came from the north and the light of the trees diminished. A messenger from Feanor’s fortress arrived with the news of the death of Finwe and the rape of the Silamrils. Feanor’s wrath was aroused and he called upon all the Noldo in joining him in open war with Melkor whom he named Morgoth. I was young and Feanor’s words of far off lands and kingdoms waiting to be won inspired me. I desired to follow him and accomplish great deeds that would be sung for ages to come. Quickly I joined Feanor and his sons and vowed the same oath to return the Silmarils to Feanor and slay anyone who carries one; be he Vala, elf, or man yet to come. I will never forget the tears in my parents’ eyes that day. I was foolish in my youth and quickly took up arms with the Son of Finwe. We traveled to Alqualonde and I contributed heavily to that bloodshed. We sailed to Middle Earth and burned the ships at Losgar betraying our kindred again. As I watched the white ships burn I repented my actions and attempted to extinguish the flames. The sons of Feanor held me back at sword point promising a painful death if I continued. I wept for a long time recounting my transgressions, yet too proud to beg for pardon of the Valar. I stayed at Losgar long after Feanor and his host departed the coast. I still desired the power to order things as I would in Middle Earth but I knew that I could not allow Feanor to benefit from any of my labors. I constructed a monument on the spot where the burning took place and repented of the Oath of Feanor that led me to betray my kin. I was still in Losgar when trumpets rang from the north and Finrod and Fingolfin arrived in Middle Earth with their hosts. I took Finrod as my Lord and aided him in many endeavors. I will never forget when Finrod told our people of his meeting the Atani. I became very curious of those whom had also been created by Illuvatar but with a different destiny. They learned very quickly anything they set their hearts to and I freely shared with them the lore that had been passed down from my father. I took several into my care and taught them as a father teaches his children. They were fair and had a deep destiny that was visible in theirs eyes; though they could see little of it in each other. Finrod named me Fateweaver for having unified the fates of both the Quendi and the Atani. I knew that they would change the course of the war with Morgoth Bauglir, for both good and evil. There was so much potential in the early Atani and I encouraged others to befriend the new race. Little did I deal with the dwarves in those days for they were only interested in things made by craft and I did not appreciate such things much at that time. I trained for war with the humans taking a liking to the combative arts. I saw myself becoming a great lord of battle leading armies of elves and men myself one day. I took to riding across Beleriand with a company of elves and men searching for the servants of Morgoth; even in times of peace I hungered for battles worthy of renown. However; it was not meant to be. The time came for the Quendi and the Atani to break the leaguer of Angband and assault the fortresses of Morgoth. After many weeks of war and death, my company was beaten back. In Nirnaeth Arnoediad, I was wounded greviously with my body left of the battlefield. None knew that though I had lost consciousness, I yet lived. I awoke many hours after the battle in pain and covered in my blood and the blood of my enemies. A large gash split open my sides. I was alone near Angband; my only companions were the carrion feeding on the dead. Following the river Sirion south I lived off of the land. I became a friend of the land and many beasts came to my aid. It took many months but I recovered from my wounds. Sadly I lost the strength to wield my sword, shield, and armor. I took to nature lore and studied the various varieties of flora and fauna. Eventually I found myself in Brethil among those men who had suffered greatly. They permitted me to stay among them while my wounds healed. In return for their help I shared with them stories of the world before the coming of the Atani. Since that time I have dwelt often among men teaching them lore and crafting of weapons. Men have so much potential for greatness and I have done my best to guide them and turn their hearts from shadow and darkness. I have also increased in my knowledge of lore and wisdom, keeping records of the deeds done by men and elves in every age of Middle Earth. I was close with the elendili in Numenor and would often meet with them when they came to the aid of my lord Gil-Galad in the second age. I once thought that I refused to return to Valinor after Manwe lifted the curse because of my desire to order and control life in Middle Earth. Now I know that I love the Atani and I always will. I will never understand why my kindred choose to abandoned them in favor of life in the Undying Lands. Of what use is immortality and peace when there are still so many fighting just to survive. As long as there are good men in Middle Earth, I will remain here to serve them and to counsel them. For their race has much potential; however, the deeds they accomplish are often covered in shadow. I am needed here among them and will remain ever their friend and ally until The Last Battle.

Friends and Enemies


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