User:Gaerlin/SK Loot System
SK Loot (or "SKL") is a loot distribution system popular in some MMOs. The system is designed to be less "hardcore" and more casual-friendly than a system like DKP, but more equitable than just having everyone /roll for each piece of loot.
How it Works
- An initial list of all players who raid is created and randomized such that everyone is now in an randomly-ordered list. When a new player wants to start raiding, they "roll-in" to the list (i.e their position is randomly determined) or they are just added to the bottom of the list depending on kinship policy.
- When a piece of raid loot drops, the raider who is highest in the list gets the choice to take it ("burn") or not take it ("pass"). If that raider passes, the next highest raider in the list chooses to burn or pass, and so on down the list. When a raider burns on the piece of loot, they immediately move to the bottom of the list of raiders (i.e. they move to the position of the last person in the list who is currently raiding, and everyone else in the raid moves up one position).
- Positions in the SKL list only change for those who are in the current raid (i.e. they change positions with their fellow raiders, not with others in the list who are not on the raid). If someone is not raiding, their position in the overall list remains the same.
- If no one chooses to burn on a piece of loot, either the piece is discarded or some other method is used to assign it (like an open /roll).
SKL has the advantage that players who frequently raid will have more control over what specific pieces they can get out of a run. For example, if you're trying to finish your 6-piece set and you just need the Helm to finish it, you can pass on other loot drops thereby moving up in the SKL list (even across multiple runs) to put yourself in a better position to be able to burn on the Helm. Once you get to the top of the list you have your choice of what loot to burn on.
At the same time, unlike a DKP system, there is no inflation in SKL so players who don't raid don't suffer any disadvantage (i.e. their position will stay the same in the overall SKL list). Also, players towards the bottom of the SKL list (which is often new raiders assuming the kinship policy is to add new players to the bottom) have little to lose from burning on items since their position either won't change or won't change much. This encourages new raiders to burn on easily obtained items (i.e. the loot that the more experienced raiders already have) which is ideal for overall kin improvement.
Let's say there are 10 players who raid in a kinship. Initially via randomization the following SKL list is established:
SKL List Players |
Clem |
Nora |
Judy |
Garth |
Mable |
Antoine |
Stacy |
Kelly |
Pedro |
Omar |
Then six of them decide to group up and run an instance using SKL (using 6 players here just for simplicity, usually raids will be 12 players):
SKL List Players |
Raiders on this run |
Clem | |
Nora | Nora |
Judy | Judy |
Garth | Garth |
Mable | |
Antoine | Antoine |
Stacy | Stacy |
Kelly | |
Pedro | Pedro |
Omar |
The first good piece of loot drops in the instance, so Nora gets first choice of burn/pass since she's at the top of the list of raiders. Nora chooses to BURN. She then moves to the bottom of the list of raiders and everyone else moves up one position on the raiders list.
SKL List Players |
Raiders on this run |
Raiders after first loot |
Clem | ||
Nora | Nora | Judy |
Judy | Judy | Garth |
Garth | Garth | Antoine |
Mable | ||
Antoine | Antoine | Stacy |
Stacy | Stacy | Pedro |
Kelly | ||
Pedro | Pedro | Nora |
Omar |
Another good piece of loot drops in the instance, so now Judy gets first choice for burn/pass. She chooses to pass, so the choice then goes to Garth. He also chooses to pass, so next it goes to Antoine. Antoine chooses to BURN and goes to the bottom of the list.
SKL List Players |
Raiders on this run |
Raiders after first loot |
Raiders after second loot |
Clem | |||
Nora | Nora | Judy | Judy |
Judy | Judy | Garth | Garth |
Garth | Garth | Antoine | Stacy |
Mable | |||
Antoine | Antoine | Stacy | Pedro |
Stacy | Stacy | Pedro | Nora |
Kelly | |||
Pedro | Pedro | Nora | Antoine |
Omar |
The last good piece of loot drops in the instance, but Judy, Garth, and Stacy all decide to pass, so next it goes to Pedro who chooses to BURN and goes to the bottom of the list.
SKL List Players |
Raiders on this run |
Raiders after first loot |
Raiders after second loot |
Raiders after third loot |
Clem | ||||
Nora | Nora | Judy | Judy | Judy |
Judy | Judy | Garth | Garth | Garth |
Garth | Garth | Antoine | Stacy | Stacy |
Mable | ||||
Antoine | Antoine | Stacy | Pedro | Nora |
Stacy | Stacy | Pedro | Nora | Antoine |
Kelly | ||||
Pedro | Pedro | Nora | Antoine | Pedro |
Omar |
After the instance is finished, the raid leader updates the kinship SKL list with everyone's new position, which will be the SKL order for the next raid:
SKL List Players |
Raiders on this run |
Raiders after first loot |
Raiders after second loot |
Raiders after third loot |
New SKL list after the run |
Clem | Clem | ||||
Nora | Nora | Judy | Judy | Judy | Judy |
Judy | Judy | Garth | Garth | Garth | Garth |
Garth | Garth | Antoine | Stacy | Stacy | Stacy |
Mable | Mable | ||||
Antoine | Antoine | Stacy | Pedro | Nora | Nora |
Stacy | Stacy | Pedro | Nora | Antoine | Antoine |
Kelly | Kelly | ||||
Pedro | Pedro | Nora | Antoine | Pedro | Pedro |
Omar | Omar |
Notice how only the players who raided moved positions; everyone else on the SKL list stayed in their same position.