This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description:
6ft6 tall, slim but muscled and athletic build A scar across his face, and always has his hair in a pony-tail.
Has a fierce and weary look about him. It shows he has been through a lot and looks like a true War veteran.
Some tribal tattoo's are concealed under his robes and armor, small chance you'll ever get to see it.
Personality Description:
Talks with a broken Westron Accent, and slips back to Haradaic when angry or irritated by people. He has a cold and fierce look about him and always talks to people like that, you won't find a friendly tone in his voice as a stranger. Most of his friends don't even experience such a thing. But when you are close to him, he can have a very warm and caring character.
He is easily annoyed and provoked into a fight, he will not let people walk over him and boss him around for he is just too proud. Family means everything to him, and he will do anything to keep them safe. (the ones he loves can also be counted as Family, and some friends aswell)
Weapon of choice is his bow, which has served him for many years during his reign as the commander of The Marksman of Hasharin. He carries around a mysterious looking sword most of the time, with a serpent symbol on it and always has his curved dagger with him. He does not use his bow often anymore when in town, if in town he prefers to use a mini Crossbow and a curved dagger.
Faustino was known in Harad for his inventiveness for creating weapons, some may have seen his self-made weapons in action, such as a metal chain holding a stone ball on each side. he uses this to snare and tie up his enemies from a distance.
He is also the one that created the Sword gauntlets for Jyllie, the gauntlet had a special mechanism that would shoot out a blade when triggered.
When he wears his backpack, he always has his standard made weapons in it with a Haradrim axe strapped on it. The backpack itself is mysterious looking and looks to be filled to the brim with stuff. Is known for carrying throwing knives inside his armor, and always has caltrops with him.
Faustino's past:
Faustino grew up in Harad in a fierce tribe that put the Male of the tribe's into their "army" at the age of thirteen. He fought in countless battles mostly between Tribe's and sometimes against foreigners.
Once he was at the age of Seventeen he was appointed by the Tribe's Warlord to command a group of Marksman, as they where called the Marksman of Hasharin, which later became Faustino's surname. They where known for their fierce way of convincing other tribe's to join theirs all who oppose where taken care of and their tribe's burned down to the ground...
At the Age of Twenty Faustino was send to Eriador to catch a run away spy, he stayed for 1 year in Bree in search of this spy. Once he caught him and took care of him he returned at the age of twenty one continuing his mission to convert tribes.
At the age of thirty he had enough of all the war and the pointless slaying, he fled the lands of Harad and went to Eriador. From that point he lived in Bree and put his blade to his own use, and only for his own wealth.
Friends and Enemies
Faustino has several friends, mostly people that are useful to him.
- Cissinei
- Conrar (Is seen a lot with Faustino as of late)
- Delinor
- Gilidis
- Loriandra
- Roderick Fram Enidh (Makes most of his new uniforms/armors)
- Rohauril
- Yasura
Made a lot of Enemies, not worth listing them all. (leaving it open for current RP stories)
- ......
- Shorey
- ......
- Narfirat (Childhood rival which he killed before entering the ranks of Warrior)
TA ?2978 2979? - Faustino is born in Harad, his mother died at birth and his father left Harad and went to Rohan.
TA 2980 - Faustino is adopted by the Haradrim Warrior Abrakân and taken to the tribe Hidâr
TA 2993 - Faustino murdered his Childhood Rival Narfirat in a pit fight to the death
TA 2993 - Faustino is put into the Tribe's army and learns the way of a Haradrim Warrior
TA 2997 - Faustino is given a platoon of Marksman to conquer other Tribes and convince them to join Hidâr
TA 3000 - Faustino is sent to Eriador to track the deserter responsible for the masacre in one of the side Tribes of Hidar
TA 3001 - After a year in Eriador and Bree Faustino found the deserter and killed him, he also met Rose with which he had a relation, she left Eriador when she was pregnant and Faustino went back to Harad.
TA 3002 - Faustino returned in Harad and continued to lead his platoon of Marksman, now named Marksman of Hasharin
TA 3005 - Faustino is granted the Surname Hasharin after his adoptive father Abrakan died.
TA 3010 - Faustino leaves Harad
TA 3011 - Faustino Arrives in Eriador and spends some time among the Dunlendings in Eregion
TA 3013 - Faustino joins a group of thugs that occasionally raids caravans between Lone-lands and Bree
TA 3013 - Faustino arrives in Bree and stays there, where he now lives a secluded and mysterious live.
TA 3017 - Faustino is united with his sister who was born in Rohan under a different mother.
TA 3018 - was united with his Daughter Sharine, the daughter of Rose who left him 18 years ago
October TA 3018 - Moved to a secret location in Bree-land due to recent activities.
To be filled