This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Evannia | |
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World: | Imladris |
Vocation: | Woodsman |
Class: | Lore-master |
Race: | Man |
Region: | Rohan |
Age: | 26 |
Height: | |
Sex: | Female |
Skin: | |
Hair: | Russet |
Eye: | Green |
Physical Description: Five feet eight inches tall, copper haired and fair skinned Evannia is the very image of her father Eadrivd. She is every inch a woman of Rohan save for her mother's green eyes that mark her as having any Bree-land heritage at all.
Personality Description: Evannia is relaxed and warm, her constant care of animals requires a 'keep-going' attitude and a sense of humor. However her recent life has cast some doubts on her sanity. Mainly her lack of fear when faced with a three drakes at once.
Evannia was born in Rohan to Eadrivd, son of Eadrhuvn and Arianna Elle of Bree. Evannia is the second youngest of five children and the only girl. Her brothers were, in order of age, Eadgan, Allan, Theowid and Daniel. Her favorites were always Eadgan and Daniel.
Her father Eadrivd was a rider of the mark stationed in Aldburg and, for all his ferocity in the midst of a fight, he was surprisingly gentle out of battle, tending to the family's garden with her mother or telling her stories as he showed her carving tricks. Arianna was a minstral by trade and a healer, often there with her green eyes and a bandage if any of her children were hurt. She was a fantastic cook and tried to teach her only daughter but Evannia had no knack for it. She could not behave as most women, she couldn't play so much as the lute and eventually her mother gave up on having her daughter become a musician.
In her early years Evannia was raised in the saddle and taught to ride and fight like her brothers. Arianna even recorded in a journal entry "When Evannia rides with Eadgan ye would think them brothers. If I hadn't birthed her I wouldn't know rightly if she was a lad or a lass until she spoke."
More than her brothers Evannia had the true Rohan horse skill. She spent every waking moment in the pastures or stalls, and until the age of seven she often slept in the family's barn to be near her father's warhorse, Maeve, if she could manage to escape.
Before the age of twelve Evannia's skill with horses blossomed beyond that of even her father, and as a reward she was given Maeve's finest colt, a bloodbay she promptly named Geran.
however she also gained unheard of abilities amoung the Rohirrim, she could call animals of almost any size and species. Afraid and suddenly different she felt alone everywhere but with Eadgan, Daniel and Geran. So it was with near relief that she agreed at age fifteen to travel to the Lore-masters in Bree-Land to study under those more suited to train those skills. She and Geran set out on that journey with a caravan of traders and almost never looked back.
In Bree she stayed with her grandmother and grandfather until she was twenty, learning the ways of nature and the power she has been given. After her friend Culiwen, an elf in service of the Bree-town guard, laughingly delivered formal complaint of her many pets being a disturbance of the peace she reluctantly decided to move herself and the menagerie of animals that had adopted her out of bree, but upon Culiwen offering to share her small but pleasant home in the shire she changed her tune.
Friends and Enemies
Culiwen of Mirkwood
Kvasir (Rune-keeper)
Evannia has special hatred of Orcs
Lobellia Sackville-Baggins has made it clear on many occasions that Evannia isn't proper shire-folk. Jalboun the bear promply raided her pantry in response.
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