This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Eldarestalo | |
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Kin: Sorrow of the Firstborn | |
World: | Arkenstone |
Vocation: | Wordworker |
Class: | Minstrel |
Race: | Elf |
Region: | Rivendell |
Age: | 371 |
Height: | 6'8" |
Sex: | Male |
Skin: | White |
Hair: | Dark brown |
Eye: | Light blue |
Physical Description: Tall and statuesque, Eldarestalo radiates the brilliant glow of Elven agelessness, passing through the final age of the Eldar with a grace and glory befitting his heritage. Garbed in the ceremonial robes of his fore-fathers, a tribute to the Sorrow of the Firstborn, he wields the ever-flaming sword given him by his closest advisor.
Personality Description: Detached from the world of men, revered among his own race, feared by the minions of the Dark Lord, Eldarestalo is a constant and never-ending beseiger of the Dark Lord's plans. Kind and forgiving to those who love and are loved by him, Eldarestalo maintains his ruthless drive towards the Dark Lord's destruction, aiding the Golden Host in everyway possible, though distance would belie to them his role in the battles to come.
Friends and Enemies
Nreldir, leader of the Sorrow of the Firstborn
The Dark Lord Sauron; Uruk-hai; Goblins; Orc of any kind; Durin's Bane; Saruman, the Betrayer
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