This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Englishman | |
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LOJ | |
World: | Brandywine |
Vocation: | Tinker |
Class: | Lore-master |
Race: | Man |
Region: | Bree-land |
Age: | 13 |
Height: | 5.9 |
Sex: | Male |
Skin: | Light |
Hair: | Redishblack |
Eye: | grey |
Personality Description: Kind and always willing to help his fellow companion
Englishman is a Lore master from England who used to live in are world but one day when he was at his uncles house for a grownup party he got bored and looked around the house for something to do so he looked and looked and looked and finaly he saw a wardrobe and he wondered what was in it so he looked inside it and he saw a bunch of old coates and thought this is boring but what was about to happen would not be boring at all what happened was he went a little further into the wardrobe and he was all of a sudden in another world the world of Middle-earth and he saw a a very tall man this man was none other then the Wizard Gandalf and the Wizard Gandalf said i have summoned you here because you are needed here and the boy said but where am i and who are you and Gandalf said i am Gandalf the grey and this is the world of Middle-Earth and the boy said but what about my family and where i was and Gandalf said do not worry for then you can always go between worlds with this magic ring just put it on and you instantly be right in front of the wordrobe and no time will have passed wach here it is put it on right now and so the boy put it on and all of a sudden he was going thue the air very fast and as you can imagin it was frightening and so the boy was going up in the air very fast and then he was in space and going around all these unknown parts of the universe and then he was in our universe the boy said he saw jupitar up close and then he was entering the earths atmorspere and then he saw a big city London and then he was back in the room and then he took off the ring and whent downstairs to see if the world was all the same and sure it was the grownups where still talking and it was like he was gone only for a few seconds so he thought oh wow i can port between two world how exiting so the boy put the rings back on and came back to Middle-Earth and there was Gandalf and he said see nothing to worry about and so the boy said ok now that i know i can always safly go back home and no time will have passed wye have you summuned me Gandalf and Gandlaf said because you are needed here and so the boy said but wye and Gandalf said because this world is in grave danger and this world needs your help and the boy said but what can i do Gandalf and Galdalf said you cant do much know but i will teach you the ancient arts of this land and you shall learn to call animals to help you in your adventures and summon great powers wich nobody in your worlds ever sees exsept in their mythical stories because your world is differant but this world hase many thing that are only in childrens stories in your world Middle-Earth hase dragons Wizards and magic and that is only the start of this world and so the boy said now what and Gandalf said from this day forth you shall be known as Englishman because of where you come from and the boy said well what now shall i be trained and Gandalf said yes my boy you shall be trained the arts of a Lore Master and shall Gandalf took him all over the world to show him many amazing things from the cold depths of forochel to the sweet and peacful shire to the outstanding Rivendell where the elves live and home of Elrond half evlen to to Lothlorian home of Galadriel and the boy and Gandalf whent on to even more places like Rohan and Gonder and even to The Mines of moria to find lost relics and books and you may ask wye they whent all over Middle-Earth (exsept the very evil places like Angmar or Mordor) because Gandalf taught Englishman lore where ever they whent they studied the plants and animals and the histories where they went they helped people with quests and read many books of Lore wye Englishman must have read hours and hours a day and so after many years of learning Ganalf said Englishman you are ready and Englishman asked ready for what? and Gandalf said your ready to asist the fellowship of the ring Englishman asked Fellowship of the ring? and Gandalf said yes the fellowship of the ring there are about to to do a very difficult quest what quest Englishman asked Gandalf said they fellowship of the ring is about to set of to destroy the evil ring of doom yes i know about that Englishman said isent it that same ring bilbo got a long time ago when we set of to kill smog the drogan yes it is Gandalf said one and the same the fellowship of the ring is about to set foot to perilus mount doom to destroy the ring and they will need your help but what can i do Englishman said you can comfort Frodo in time of need Frodo Englishman asked Yes Frodo Gandalf said he will need all the help he can get and Englishman said alright when do we start And ganalf said very soon in 3 days so pack your bags say goodbye to your friends and family and prepar lots of food because it will be a long journey and get hunting and cooking supplies to make your own food for you sam and Frodo you will need it and so Englishman got ready said goodbye to his friends and family got supplies and said Galndalf i am ready and Gandalf said good == Friends and Enemies ==
- N/A
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