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This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
in age 144 i'm went to imladris (i lived in edhellond in south gondor) next i met my father candathorn. my father was died in age 512 and i went to evendim. now i'm in high level so i can travel in the world. lord elrohir and me were best friends. in the middle of the 3rd age i went to evendim and i was left anuminas where she was captured. i went to fornost and left her in age 1566 and then i came to the thorins gates. (all the elves was knew what was next).
places that i was been in them
the wilderness of the high moor
close dunland (enedwaith)
Moria (khazad dum)
my pictures
Friends and Enemies
- rastko of rohan
- selir
- hakkemar
- lethallas
- my enemy is the uruk that kill my father! but i cannot kill him because there isn't rohan and gondor expansion.
- but my real enemy , is the dark lord. sauron and melkor , and their balrogs and dragons.
- also i am not a friend of the dwarves because they are destroyed my city : edhellond. of course i am friendly to the thorin and durin's dwarves but not to the dourhands.