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This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description:
Personality Description:
Friends and Enemies
... within Imladris Level 30-75
- Fingod (Hunter)
- Magala (Ministrel)
- Slivercloud (RK+Warden)
- Andneth (Ministrel)
- Willowrod (LRM+Hunter)
- Breslyn (Hunter)
- Silvel (Hunter)
- Linothalion (Warden)
- Jasonish (Warden+Champ)
- Tinuvieal (Ministral)
- Insignicicant (Champ)
- Clarko (Ministrel)
- Spiders of Arda!
- Wargs - any kind of them!
- Player who put down new players!
((Please use this section to post IC reactions and reflections concerning this character.))
- ... well shall I mention advantages, then its a lot fun playing Lore-Masters. A good thing if fun in game is important to you and not fast grow or powerful combat. For me the various opportunities with a LRM are compensating enaugh.
- ... A BIG DISADVANTAGE is how they built this character in these 2 points:
- 1.) Sure, I like AND prefer playing a support-class instead of a "hit-with-sword-on-class". So not having big Attack-DPS is ok. BUT WHY ON EARTH they needed to make a character of such weak attack- THAT SQUISHY in armour as well?
- 2.) Supportclass means for me just SUPPORT others (who in return shall protect you). Though interesting parts of your skills first supply benefit to others, when higher ranked and equipped in traits. Relevant slots open up first later in game (53+) what makes you to others until then not the big contribution. Now its fun playing, so its worth the work, but until your 50's the LRM is no big win to recommend to others.