
Jump to navigation Jump to search
| mode                  = {{{mode|}}}
| arg                   = {{{arg|}}}
| nocat                 = 
| name                  = 
| disambigpage          = {{subst:FULLPAGENAME}}
| icon                  = -icon
| main-category         = 
| attribute             = 
| characteristic        = 
| range                 = 
| time                  = 
| type                  = 
| channel               = 
| target                = 
| radius                = 
| induction             = 
| resistance            = 
| skilltype             = 
| finishingskill        = 
| affinity              = 
| discipline            = 
| description           = 
| desc-attrib           = 
| note                  = 
| skill                 = 
| dmg1                  = 
| dmg2                  = 
| dmg3                  = 
| attrib0               = 
| attrib0-color         = 
| attrib0-desc          = 
| attrib0-duration      = 
| combat-only           = 
| cyan                  = 
| cyan-duration         = 
| orange                = 
| cyan2                 = 
| attrib1               = 
| attrib1-color         = 
| attrib1-duration      = 
| attrib1-combat        = 
| attrib2               = 
| attrib2-color         = 
| attrib2-duration      = 
| attrib2-combat        = 
| attrib3               = 
| attrib3-color         = 
| attrib3-duration      = 
| attrib3-combat        = 
| attrib4               = 
| attrib4-color         = 
| attrib4-duration      = 
| attrib4-combat        = 
| revived               = 
| fellowship-range      = 
| fellowship            = 
| fellowship-duration   = 
| attrib-every          = 
| attrib-every-type     = 
| attrib-every-duration = 
| use                   = 
| position              = 
| conjunction           = 
| attrib5               = 
| attrib5-color         = 
| ic-removal            = 
| ic-expire             = 
| ic-duration           = 
| removal               = 
| expiration            = 
| expiration-duration   = 
| attrib6               = 
| attrib6-color         = 
| attrib6-duration      = 
| attrib6-combat        = 
| orange2               = 
| cost1                 = 
| cost1-type            = 
| cost2                 = 
| cost2-type            = 
| cost3                 = 
| cost3-type            = 
| add1                  = 
| add1-every            = 
| add1-type             = 
| add2                  = 
| add2-every            = 
| add2-type             = 
| fervour-requires      = 
| focus-requires        = 
| fervour-removes       = 
| focus-removes         = 
| gambit-add            = 
| gambit-requires       = 
| gambit-clear          = 
| attune                = 
| require               = 
| channeledskill        = 
| toggle                = 
| critical-target       = 
| critical              = 
| devastating           = 
| both                  = 
| trait-req             = 
| mounted-trait-req     = 
| materials             = 
| cooldown              = 

== General Information ==
: Class: 

: Level: