User:Egelwald/Egelwald Shadowfall
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Egelwald Shadowfall | |
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Metalheads Of Mordor | |
World: | Eldar |
Vocation: | Woodsman |
Class: | Hunter |
Race: | Man |
Region: | Dale |
Age: | 29 |
Height: | 6' |
Sex: | Male |
Skin: | White |
Hair: | Shortish Blonde |
Eye: | Blue |
Physical Description: I often wear silly hats, but sometimes need a sensible hat when I need to focus on the task at hand. I enjoy wearing robes, but this may change soon. Wear a cape if I am in the mood.
Personality Description: I enjoy going back to the places I once found tough and annihalating the enemies there. It's fun to defeat enemies before they get to me with my bow. I like to stand up for people in chat if I believe there point is relevant. I won't prejudge.
Friends and Enemies
Ethelear (My Best Friend in real life), Sech, Plisken, Boborin, Clarey.
Gold sellers....grrrr.
I've so far been asked three times if I would like to buy gold with my own personal Earthly Pound Sterling. My message to this Gold Sellers, please go away, leave me to my own life and go get yourself a job which doesn't include bothering everyone, try earning an honest living.
I'm taking a short trip on the 19th of July to the Mines Of Moria to stay for 2 weeks in the newly converted Hotel De La Moria. They built it inside the mines. No lack of light, with the Balrog constantly belching his flame. I'll be back on the 2nd August.