This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description:
Ebbi is a hobbit of average height and average weight. She stands at 3ft4 (101cm) and weighs approx about 25-30 kilograms.She has a small pixie like face with rosy apple cheeks and pale pink lips and a cute upturned button nose, she has been told many a time that she will grow into a very fair hobbit. Her shoulder length hair is pale blonde which she usually has tied up into a pair of little pig tails which she will also tuck under her hat when adventuring. She runs around bare footed like all good hobbits and due to her blonde locks her feet are covered in barely visible blonde sheen.
If you were to see Ebbi running around you would take notice of her, in a town that is, has she is dressed head to toe in her favourite colour Green. She usually wears one of her three favourite outfits. All three of which include her favourite Yule scarf, fingerless gloves and one of her rather impressed array of hats, first is a large pointy hat (fine linen hat) given to her by her friend Rickus. Second is a large wide brimmed hat with a very large white plume feather attached(Slothi's hat) and lastly a hood in a lovely Rivendell green with gold stitching (Traveller's hood). Her favourite outfit above all others is her Green dress with brown leather belts and gold threaded trims, she constantly wears this dress and adores it with a great passion. (Frostbluff Dress of Thanks)
- 3ft4 (101cm),
- 25-30 kilograms,
- Blonde hair,
- Green eyes,
- Dresses in Green,
- Big hats,
- Cute.
Personality Description:
Ebbi's personallity is one of a childish imp. Which considering the fact she is still within her tween years is not that surprising. She loves to pull practical jokes and tease others which can sometimes get her in a fair amount of trouble with her co-mischief maker Voddie. She is generally quiet around none hobbit people but this is to be expected considering she has been told many times that men, dwarfs and elves are nowt but bad news. She is also very kind and will stop in her tracks to help a fellow in need which has caused her to have many number of friends and mishaps when she ends up getting into trouble.
She also very stubborn and can sometimes prefer to attempt something many times than rather ask for aid, this is also partly due to not wishing to be a bother to her friends and which though sweet has cause her many of injuries and told repetitively from Galenfin and Hirilondir that she is an important friend and is never bothering them.
- Childish,
- Mischievous,
- Shy,
- Kind,
- Self-sacrificing,
- Stubborn,
- Courageous.
Her name is Ebbi Tuck, she is 27 just starting to mature into coming of age period of her life.
Her father Grayam Tuck lived in Brandybuck all his life as a bounder and found her mother Valerie Proundfoot in Brockenborings while on patrol. After that he met her at the Bullroarer's Statue every time he patrolled and soon they were married. They had two children soon after while still rather young (36 and 35), both were boys and they were named Aldo and Rory. Unhappy with the lack of a daughter Valerie bossed, shouted and grumped, till poor old Grayam agreed for one more child and when Valerie was 55 (middle age for a hobbit) She gave birth to premature a little baby girl which they named Ebbi.
Being premature meant she wasn't fully developed and her hair remained her unusual blonde in stead of developing into the rich dark chestnut colour of her parents, which cause many of wild rumours within the hobbit community of infidelity. But she had a fairly quiet and normal childhood, fishing, eating, cooking, eating, camping, eating. Until she was given her first lute at the age of 17, she practised and practised and became everything her parents didn't want her to be, A minstrel. Now she's an accomplished explorer, adventurer and healer, though she still got a long way to go.
She discovered a love for the elven culture especially in Lothlorien and explored the vast glittering maze of Moria and helped to defeat the Watcher. She also helped fight evil in Mirkwood's Dol Guldur, before finally returning home, only to have save the Northcotten farms. She's done alot in the short ten years since first starting down the minstrel road but with her friends close by she isn't quite ready to hand up her lute just yet.
Friends and Enemies
- Galenfin.
- Ramkitty.
- Dreadmidge.
- Goldflame.
- Hirilondir.
- Flopsie.
- Matrond.
- Rickus. (He gave her a hat).
- Vod (because they pull pranks together).
- Everyone who gives her pie or something green.
- Vod (For taking her pie and hat).
- People who make bad pies.
- Spiders.
- People who hate green.
- Sansie (cause he picks on her).
- A keen fondness for pie (of course) and has unusual taste for cherries and cherries pie. she can always be found eating either cherries or chocolate near Brandywine bridge.