This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description: Earaenas is a rather well built ol' chap.Quite muscly and eye-turning 'eh ladies? *wink*.He has long brown hair,and blue eyes.Generall dosnt stand at his full height and can be quite imposing when he does.(Many claim he is ugly,but of course thats not true...right?) Personality Description: Well,well,well.Earaenas is...quick to anger.He can change very suddenly and likes to go on murderous rampages.When he ISNT mental he is honorable,strong willed,and VERY bad at talking to women.He is good at leading and inspiring men,and fights with the heart of a lion and has to this day not been known to back down to a single fight.
Earaenas Terithil of the Citadel Guard of Gondor,came to Eriador under the guise of a Ranger of Ithilien.He is infatuated with a women but is scared ****less to tell her.He serves Lord Denethor II,and Garihir the Redhead.If you want to read the rest inspect me on LOTRO :P.((I am on generally whenever there is good rp))
Friends and Enemies
Garihir,in a way. Cymaru, Arathin, Ephellion, Lethian, Eathor, Dehnemnar, Nemsyn, MOST of the Bree Guard, Isilwen, Dentar, Ramiros, Menehil, Asfathir, Oslac, Glomwick.
Emmelin,in a way, Garihir,in a way, Khyron, Fallidir, Lasaran, Begga, Phorbaredun, Ician, Siward, Eluwyn (she wants me to hate her :P),
Please note that the above are all IC.I have no harsh feelings OOC for anybody.
((Please use this section to post IC reactions and reflections concerning this character.))
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