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the childrens of hurin
World: eldar
Vocation: yeoman
Class: guardian
Race: dwarf
Region: the lonely mountain
Age: 253
Height: 1.64
Sex: male
Skin: white
Hair: brown
Eye: brown


Im a warrior i want to defend my allies and to crush my enemies. I want to serve the free people of middle earth. I want to have the best armor and weapons available. But i also like music so i always have a lute with me. But be carefull if u want to challenge me cause my morale is always high.


My dad was a hero that died bye the hand of smaug the dragon of the lonely mountain a long time ago. My mother could flee just in time. And then.... some guy raped her and i was born XD.

Friends and Enemies


  • Thurindo Strider and Gandalf


  • Everyone that hates me to. And enemys of middle earth


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  • If u wanna join my kinship send a tell, when im online of course and ill see what i can do for you.