User:Dreamsofcrows/Ellinderon NightStrike
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description: Ellinderon stands tall for an elf, though this height is not a disadvantage. His pale skin and contrasting black hair, which is almost always pulled back carefully from his face, gives him (like all elves) a look of grace and propriety. He is lithe and at times sinuous, though he is as capable of standing completely still for hours as he is running.
Personality Description: Even for an elf, he is rather quiet. He likes to survey and study those things around him, taking every detail of importance into mind. Having spent time, several decades in fact, in the company of Men, he is rather more tolerant, if not understanding, of their ways. Polite and respectful (especially to women of any race, though usually not in the romantic way), he prefers to keep his opinions to himself, though he does not spurn advice if asked for.
Biography: It was the year 2382 That Ellinderon was born, thankfully during the Watchful Peace of the Third Age. Raised in almost ignorant tranquility in the surrounding woods and hills of his beloved Rivendell, Ellinderon showed a penchant for the bow, unsurprising to any of the elves around him (mostly due to the natural agility of his race) and was thusly trained in improved marksmanship. He mastered his training under the watchful eye of his tutor, learning and growing in his aim and power along with a vast study of literature and philosophy. It was on his thirty-four year of birth, in the year 2416, that his skills were to be tested for the first time. Though young by elven standards, he was among the company of elves to travel into Ered Luin to help the besieged city of Edhelion against its attackers, the Dourhand dwarves, led by Skorgrm ((first intro instance for Elf race in LOTRO)). Though Elrond arrived and helped to drive the Dourhands from the city, Ellinderon was shown for the first time a taste of 'real battle'. After the fall of Edhelion, Ellinderon returned with his surviving brethren to Rivendell, returning to his studies, though privately fidgety and restless. It was only more than 300 years later, when Ellinderon had settled his mind and heart in Rivendell with a furious devotion, was war upon him again. In the year 2749 of the Third Age, he was assigned to a troupe of elves to assist the race of Men and all Free Peoples in driving back the orcs from the land. As his aim was true, and his hands steady, Ellinderon was given the task of night time patrol, his eyes seeing distances and in lights that his fellow Men archers could not. Dispatching many an orc from dusk to dawn, he earned his given name of NightStrike, his nickname of sorts among the other soldiers. Even to present day, it is not uncommon to hear him be called 'Striker', which he found amusingly close to Aragorn's own nickname of 'Strider'. Unfortunately, it was this steady aim that almost killed him, a story he does not like to recount if he does not have to. By his actions did a fellow archer (and a great friend, as Men can become) lose their life, and Ellinderon nearly his own by orc blades. Mortally wounded, he was taken from the field of battle, though he was not expected to live. He did live, however, though his mourning for his friend and his regret for the very skills that killed them was a large deterrent from his recovery. Aching in all ways. he returned to Rivendell to recover from his physical and emotional wounds, setting, it seemed for good, aside his bow and returning to his books. It wasn't until the shadow of Mordur, the return of the Nagul and the looming threat of Sauron reappeared did he pick back up his weapons and return to the fray, driven by his need for redemption, and longing to protect his home and kin. Setting off for the land Ered Luin, he started assisting the elves of Celodium, slowly working his way towards Bree-town...
Friends and Enemies
- He is unsure at the moment, even amongst his own kind
- The rising evil of Mordur
Gossip: It's been said that his own kind, particularly the elves of Rivendell, treat him with a polite kindness bordering on indifference because of a long ago 'scandal', though what exactly the 'scandal' was, no one will speak of it.