User:Dr Oz/Akamaruea
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Akamaruea, Outcast of Rohan | |
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Malice | |
World: | Nimrodel |
Vocation: | Armourer |
Class: | Guardian |
Race: | Race of Man |
Region: | N/A |
Age: | 29 |
Height: | 5'10" |
Sex: | Male |
Skin: | Medium-Light |
Hair: | Black |
Eye: | Blue |
Akamaruea, a kinsman of Malice and a transient throughout Western Middle Earth, wonders amongst the good peoples of Middle Earth in order to seek out the power and skills he needs to exact his revenge. But perhaps it would be behooving to explain the history of Akamaruea before delving into his vengence.
It was never a goal of Akamaruea’s to be a warrior. Indeed, he had only wanted to live a life akin to that of the simple folk amongst which he was raised. Born second of two children to parents on the outskirts of Rohan, Akamaruea grew up knowing a life of simple farming and hunting. Akamaruea’s father, Kurowulf, raised him as a man of the earth, teaching him to grow his own crops and to collect whatever else he needed from the surrounding wilderness. Kurowulf’s wife, Tsumadore, remained distant from Akamaruea after his birth, allowing him to be brought up in her husband’s ways. She spent her time alone, always looking out to the horizon remembering a past that had not left her heart. Her solitude began to drive a divide between her and her husband. When he was only eight years of age, Kurowulf and Tsumadore’s problems became too much, and Akamaruea’s mother left his father to return to her place of birth near the bustling town of Bree.
It would not be until eighteen years had gone that Akamaruea would seek out his mother to learn of her past, a past which his father would never speak. Most of those eighteen years would be spent in the manner which Akamaruea had desired: he learned how to be a successful farmer and hunter much the same as his father, and had taken a wife of his own who bore a beautiful child for him, a daughter whom he adored. However, this life was not what fate had for Akamaruea, and it soon passed.
The people of Rohan had begun to speak of strange travelers in the land, many of whom whispered of a dark evil rising to the east. There was talk of war, famine, and the horrendous resurgence of Orc-kind. With talk of growing danger in the east, Akamaruea began to worry for the safety of his family. His worst fears were realized one cool autumn morning. Akamaruea had woken early to go and collect the last of his harvest before the late autumn frost fell. His fields, though out of sight of his homestead, were still within earshot. The pleasant morning mist began to lift with the rising of the sun; though that morning, the sun rose red. A violent horde of Wildmen, seduced by a Dark Lord, had ransacked a nearby village and had left none alive to tell of the horrible assault. The Wildmen then headed deeper into Rohan, and had come across the homes of Akamaruea and his kin. The screams that drew Akamaruea’s attention away from his mornings work were short-lived. He rushed from his fields only to see a few straggling Wildmen setting fire to the meager houses which dotted the landscape. By the time Akamaruea reached his home, the Wildmen were gone, and so was the life he had loved so much.
After laying his loved ones to rest, Akamaruea sought assistance from the warriors of Rohan. Unfortunately, none would lend an ear to his tale. The destruction of one small hamlet was not worthy of abandoning the Court of Theodin in order to seek revenge. With all that he had loved destroyed, and with no aid offered by the people of Rohan, Akamaruea left the place of his birth, his heart filled with sorrow and anger. Having nowhere else to turn, he headed for Bree to seek out all that was left of his kin, his mother.
It was an especially harsh winter, and Akamaruea’s travels were not easy. The only warmth and support he found was in his desire for vengeance. It was not until early in the spring that Akamaruea arrived in Bree; and it was not long after that he found his mother—Tsumadore. After hearing his tale, Tsumadore revealed to him her own history, and the blood which ran in his veins.
Tsumadore was the daughter of an extremely talented swordsman, who had once worked as part of a small contingent of hired blades for the Rangers of the north. Tsumadore had been raised to fight the evils of Angmar, and to work with her father’s contingent to extend the influence of the Rangers further into the east towards the Ettenmoors. Late in her youth she had ventured into the Misty Mountains at her father’s request, in order to dispatch of a troublesome group of goblins. These she tracked beyond the Mountains, down the Langwell where she finally confronted and dispelled of her targets. From there her young heart had decided to follow the Anduin south, where she had often heard tales of Elves and of the strange forests which formed the eastern boundary of the Great River. Her travels led her to Rohan, where she had met Kurowulf and had decided to give up her life of violence in order to raise her own family. It was only when the first of several messages from her own kin arrived—while she was pregnant with Akamaruea—that she had begun to ponder returning to the West. The messages she would receive in the coming years spoke of a rise in the power of the Witch-realm, and eventually of her father’s defeat in Fornost. She assured Akamaruea that she too knew of vengeance, and agreed to train her son in the ways of his ancestors.
Hating the race of men, first for the destruction of all he held dear at the hands of the Wildmen, and second for the betrayal he felt from the warriors of Rohan, Akamaruea sought to strengthen himself so that he could one day bring destruction to those who had harmed him. His hate drove him, and soon he had no need to remain under the command of his mother and left Bree for the north, where he could further learn the skills he required.
Now a seasoned warrior, Akamaruea has since trained to destroy those who turn to the side of darkness. He seeks to guard his ideal of a race of men who do not search for war or death. This he plans to accomplish by any means necessary. Akamaruea has concluded that the only way to unite Middle Earth in peace is for the peoples of all lands to feel his pain, to know the loss and sorrow that come hand in hand with war. In order to create this pain, Akamaruea hopes to pit the Race of Men against one another through calculated secretive attacks enacted by him and a small coalition of allies. The peoples of Middle Earth will then be forced into an agreement of peace once they too have lost everything they hold dear.