User:DocBelmont/Saironil Spellweaver
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description: Saironil is tall and fair like all of his elvish kin. His long silver hair kissed by the light of the moon frames his aquiline, yet handsome features. His eyes, a deep and hypnotic blue reflect his centuries of wisdom, and all but veil his inner flame. His slender frame makes him appear frail, but posesses a strength, grace, and beauty reflective of his race and bearing.
Saironil prefers fine robes of any make, and appreciates the fine designs and beauty that can come from all of the Free peoples. He has a fondness for greens of any shade, and makes sure that his attire reflects that. He is also especially fond of wide-brimmed, pointed hats made famous by a certain wandering wizard.
Personality Description: Saironil considers himself a friend of all of the Free Peoples, and carries himself as such. An Elf of swift temperament, he is quick to anger, but quicker still to laughter. He is as swift to banter and carouse with his own kin as he is to dance, eat, smoke, and make merry with men and hobbits. Just as swift is he to enjoy a roaring fire, malt beer, bawdy tales, and red meat with the dwarves.
Saironil's love of lore borders almost upon obsession. Showing no bias in the diverse subjects he studies, he is just as merry trading a tale or a recipe for coney pie as he is learning a lost bit of knowledge, history, or ancient spell. His greatest desire, is to emulate the wizards and masters of Lore which he admires so much. He is fascinated by Radagast's mastery of shapes and hues, Gandalf's mastery of lights and fires, and Lord Elrond's mastery of medicines and healing, and power over nature. If it could be a single bias that Saironil has, it would be his love of all things enchanted or magical. It is this obsession over lore and magic, some say, that may get Saironil into trouble one day.
Saironil's wrath and anger shows its greatest upon things of the Shadow. His outrage at the scouring of the villages of the Free Peoples, and the disturbing of the rest of the dead, and the scars upon Middle Earth burns with a fire that rivals the flames of Mt. Doom. His anger is terrible, and his vengence swift upon orc-kind, and the foul sorceries of Sauron and his minions.
If Saironil has one irritating personality trait, it would be his obstinate desire to dispense his wisdom upon all younger than himself. He sees himself as somewhat of a fatherly figure to the mortal races, much to the chagrin of many.
Born in the year 1540 of the Third Age of Middle Earth to Elentir Stargazer and Aldaria Tree-daughter in Lothlorien. The family was visited by Mithrandir and Galadriel before the baby was given a name. When Mithrandir held the elf-child, it took an instant liking to him, so much so that the baby began to cry when Mithrandir gave him back to his mother. Galadriel, in jest, suggested the name "Saironil" (Wizard-Friend) for the child. The name, however, stuck.
Saironil "Wizard-Friend" was visited other times in his youth by Mithrandir. Saironil quickly grew fond of the wizard, and sought to emulate him early in life. His scholarly pursuits and love of all enchanted and magical things only confirmed Galadriel's name for Saironil as more prophetic than that of mere jest. His talent with lore and knowledge of spells in many tongues, and his ability to call upon the forces of the natural world earned him the surname "Spellweaver."
Saironil's love of lore could not possibly be contained within the lands of Lothlorien, and soon, at his coming of age, he left the realm of Lorien to the far West. It was a short stop in the refuge of Edhelion in Ered Luin that Saironil had his first brush with disaster. His contemplation and study was cut short by the sounds of battle. Skorgrim Dourhand and his clan stormed Edhelion, burning and destroying everything inside. Saironil helped to hide the artifacts and to salvage all he could before Talagan Silvertongue called him outside. Saironil saw for the first time greed, treachery, and the Shadow. He saw Edhelion in flames, and his kin lie in the unnatural sleep of death. It was here, that Saironil first felt the burn of hatred, and the cold embrace of dread.
Grief-stricken at the sight of Edhelion's blackened remains, and by the sacrifice of Talagan Silvertongue, Saironil stayed in the corpse of Edhelion for months before he met his first travelling companion. The only bit of knowledge Saironil was able to salvage from Edhelion was the knowlegde of the speech of Ravens. It was when the ravens came to the remains of the refuge that Saironil was able to speak to a raven. This particular raven, whom Saironil named Archimedes, knew much of the dwarves, and told Saironil of Thorin Oakenshield and his pilgrimage to retake Erebor from the dragon, Smaug. Fascinated by the stories, though wary of the dwarves after the battle of Edhelion, Saironil set out regardless to Thorin's Halls. Resolved to not be consumed by hatred, and to make peace with the dwarves, he helped Dwalin to deal with the Dourhands, and rescue Elrohir from being used to further the enmity between dwarves and elves.
Friends and Enemies
All members of the Brotherhood of the Bracelet and the Free Peoples of Middle Earth.
His Raven companion, Archimedes.
His Bear companion, Hannibal.
All things of the Shadow
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