User:DocBelmont/Kazin Magus
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description:
Personality Description:
Born in the city of Osgiliath long before the hordes of Mordor laid seige to it, he was named Stragos Angolhebin. Stragos lived the life of nobility granted to his father as keeper of records for the steward of Gondor.
When Osgiliath was overrun, Denethor called upon Stragos' father to repay a debt owed to him for a serious faux pas. As punishment for spreading the rumor that the true king of Gondor has been found, Denethor demanded that his son, Stragos, be sent into the eastern lands as a spy for Gondor.
Stragos went into the east, disguised as a wandering scholar. Stragos' gift with languages, mastery of disguise, and his talent with words allowed him to live hidden among the people of Harad and Khand with relative ease. Soon, the Harad came to accept him as one of their own, calling him "Kazin." Kazin spent many long years gaining the secrets of the enemy, and sending the information back to Gondor.
Kazin suffered ill news upon his return to Gondor. Osgiliath was overrun, and Kazin's family was gone; cut down by orcs.
Infuriated, Kazin confronted Lord Denethor, wanting an explanation for why his family was sent to Osgiliath. Denethor's refusal to answer was followed with a "dismissal" from service, and banishment from Gondor.
"I will not have some foolish upstart magus demand such things of me!" Denethor roared, "Curse you and all of the magicians and wizards of your ilk! You are relieved from service to me, and banished forthwith from the White City...I shall not set eyes upon you again, magus!"
As a sign of the end of his line, and as spite to Lord Denethor, Kazin kept his name, and took the surname "Magus." Kazin left Gondor immediately, and disappeared into the west, settling in the village of Archet in the lands of Bree.
Friends and Enemies
His Raven companion, Magellan.
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