User:DocBelmont/Griswold Burglekutt
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description: Dwarves are a race known for their hardy constitutions, thick build, and short stature; Griswold is no exception. Stout hearted and thick-skinned, Griswold is 4 and a half feet of the earth and stone that birthed him. Griswold's advanced age has slowed him none, nor made him frail, but his love of beer and red meat have finally caught up to him...particularly around the belly. His age particularly shows in his weather-beaten face and the hair on his face. His bushy eyebrows nearly hide his brown eyes, and are usually furrowed from his perpetually sour expression.
Personality Description:
Mr. Burglekutt has a stern demeanor, and to see him smile is a rare event indeed. His demeanor may be gruff, and his language harsh, but underneath the stone exterior lies a heart of the purest mithril. He has no love of seeing people suffer, and never fails to help those in need.
Griswold's love of the earth and its bounteous riches has lead him to a life of prospecting. He loves smelting gold and silver, and seeing it crafted into objects of beauty. His own crafts can forge the finest of armor. He takes great pride in his crafts, and proudly displays his works in battle, and can even be heard singing a lively tune at the forge.
Next to his natural dwarven love of precious treasures and all that glitters, Mr. Burglekutt loves a large mug of dwarven stout and a hearty slab of salted pork and roast mutton.
Friends and Enemies
His brothers in The Brotherhood of the Bracelet.
Goblins and Orcs, and other agents of the Shadow.
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