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The Last Alliance
World: Snowbourn
Vocation: Yeoman
Class: Lore-master
Race: Elf
Sex: Female


Ageless as all Elves, Zanaria has lived in Lórien for many years, defending the borders & enjoying life. Approximately 600 years ago she, and many fellow Elves, answered the call for assistance in Ered Luin, and was there when Edhelion fell. Upset by their failure she returned to Lórien to resume her former life.

In recent times news from the outer world has disturbed her, and she returned to Ered Luin to see what has become of her people there. She has been, by turns; pleased to see what her people have built; angered by incursions from Goblins & Dourhands; stunned at the massive yet intricate architecture of the Dwarves; overwhelmed by the busy streets of the human city; and found relaxation in the rolling hills of the Shire & cheerful attitude of the Hobbit-folk.

She can call on the aid of one of several animals; a raven called Quoth, a bear call Arktos; a Lynx still looking for a name (ErrorDID, StringTableErrorDID, SabretoothWannabe) and an eagle called Sunbeam. She generally prefers the assistance of Quoth, as Arktos tends to attack things she would rather were left alone; also Quoth flanks much better than either of the other two. ErrorDID can be useful in fellowships, and Sunbeam in raids.

Lone-lands and North Downs

Zanaria explored & defended much of these regions with the aid of a Champion called Timald. They discovered that a Champ/LM duo works very well together.


Thrâng has been a sticking point in the Rift for our self-proclaimed non-raiding kinship. (We raid, but erratically & only those who want to.) On 29.12.07 The Last Alliance (with one pick-up champion) finally beat Thrang. Due to a mix-up on loot rules we were all told to "need everything" and Zanaria came away the proud possessor of both the Pristine_Opal and the Sword of Thrang - rather nice helmet & jewellery to add to her Rift leggings & Ring of Gems.