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Warriors of the Free People
World: Laurelin
Vocation: Armourer
Class: Guardian
Race: Dwarf
Region: Lonely mountain
Age: 60
Height: 3ft 9"
Sex: Male
Skin: Light
Hair: Orange


Physical Description: Aurmund is a stout young dwarf who, despite his youth (for a dwarf) has been through many battles evident from his scars. His has a orange beard but not much is seen of his hair as he keeps it hidden,
Personality Description: Aurmund is very stubborn and will stick with his way of thinking. He is very loyal to his friends but deadly to his enemies. There is not a distance in the world great enough for he to be unable to cross to reach his comrades. there is nothing he wont do for his friend even soaking up hits and provoking enemies away from allies. Although he is loyal he is also very mistrustfulto people he doesn't know.


Aurmund is descended from a very ancient race of dwarven Dunedain. he is in fact the last one of his kind. Some say Dunedain Dwarves live nearly as long as elves.

Friends and Enemies


  • Cerandel, Bramaron, Malledas brothers, Greymane sisters


  • anyone who comes between sauron and Azukil (Aurmunds best axe)


those who have had gossip on aurmund have found themselves between a bar and a hard fist.