User:Czanrei/Khoragan Briarbur
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Khoragan Briarbur | |
The Green Company | |
World: | Landroval |
Vocation: | Woodworker |
Class: | Hunter |
Race: | Man |
Region: | Bree-land |
Age: | 76 |
Height: | 5'8" |
Sex: | Male |
Skin: | Caucasion |
Hair: | Reddish Brown |
Eye: | Grey |
Physical Description: A Man of stout build but not burly by any means. His appearance easily hides his true age being of Dunedain descent. He carries himself with a quiet but strong nature, always observant of his surroundings. Khoragan also tends to wear earth tone colors to more easily blend in with his environment as a hunter. Personality Description: He usually keeps to himself unless he feels an outside opinion is needed. Never having married or had children, he often ponders to himself why some choose to wed during dark times. He himself would not be against pursuing such matters, it is is simply not something he focuses on.
He knew little of his heritage while growing up in Bree-land, his ancestors being of Arnorian lineage. After having spoke with Borrhavan Agannalir on numerous occasions on joining the war effort, he finally decided to do so. Now he fights along side The Green Company, a band of Rangers working behind enemy lines mostly to counter the dark lord's efforts.
Friends and Enemies
Margaux, Ardrick, Sansouy, Borrhavan
Once courted a certain female kinship leader who wanted him to change his last name if they decided to wed. ((Please use this section to post IC reactions and reflections concerning this character.))
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