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Lusaran Goodfellow
Protectors of Gondor
World: Laurelin
Vocation: Apprentice Weaponsmith and Prospector
Class: Champion
Race: Man
Region: Gondor
Age: 25
Height: 6'1
Sex: Male
Skin: Fair
Hair: Black, tinted with silver
Eye: Blue


Physical Description:

Lusaren is fairly tall and strong built with a fair complexion. Hair of black speckled with silver hangs down to his shoulders with pale blue eyes that seek much to look upon. Quick on foot like the deer, reactions comparable to the fox and fierce in battle like the badger.

Personality Description: Lusaran is still young and naive about the world around him. Always curious, he tends to take any task asked of him if it means seeing new places. In some way, he is fortunately a subservient sort of person, and tends to fall readily in line when given an order. Lusaran otherwise is rather quiet, and tends to speak mostly in questions, as he learns more of the world. Though he is a very simple country lad, his unique upbringing gives a perspective that often helps to put a different view on problems.


Both his parents died before his first birthday and was adopted by his fathers best friend, Dado Longfoot of The Shire. Even as a child Lusaran felt out of place in the land of hobbits, as he towered over them and a time passed before the hobbits felt at ease with Dado's adopted son, At the age of 18 Lusaran left the Shire and moved to Bree where he could stay in touch with his father but mix with his own kind and went to work on the farms of nearby by Staddle. His hard work and good nature led to him being known to the hobbits as Lusaran Goodfellow.

Although his love for the quite life is great, Lusaran succumbs to the need to see the world outside and hopefully one day, Gondor. He is a skilled hunter and brave. wielding weapons in both hands he is swift in battle but its not in his nature to seek troubles.

He longs to see more of Arda and its people and although he knows times are dark, he must do what his heart desires and seek tasks of which will lead him into new pastures.

Friends and Enemies


Dado Longfoot, Father of Lusaran


The Tárkrip Orcs


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