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World: Landroval
Vocation: Explorer
Class: Minstrel
Race: Hobbit
Region: Shire
Age: 23
Sex: Male
Skin: Caucasian
Hair: Ash Brown
Eye: Green


Physical Description:

Personality Description: Shiriff Quitto is a jovial fellow, he speaks little, scurrying about his business. He enjoys spending his time telling tales and playing songs for all to hear, he even enjoys performance in theater. Yet with all these things to do he shys from praise and attention.


Quitto was raised in the Southfarthing by the family Tookin. He was always considered a bit quirky by his peers for his strange attraction to the arts yet lack of attraction to attention. He would write fictional tales of adventure in his free time. He often received discouragement for his constant babbling about adventure, though he dreamed of it, it was another thing for him to experience it. He however, didn't want to be entirely out of swing with his stories, so he became a Bounder of the Shire. He ended up loving the work so much that he carried on about tasks in neighboring regions. Despite this recent switching of career, his practice of the flute, lute, drums, theorbo, pibgorn, horn, clarinet, and cowbell never left his heart. He is never too busy to stop for tea, tales, and tunes.

Friends and Enemies


  • N/A


  • N/A


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