User:Cara Silvermoon
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description:
Caradain, like most of her kindred, is fair to look upon and carries an inner beauty that shines easily through her aqumarine eyes. Golden blonde hair that she keeps cropped to chin length frames her oval face in an almost haphazard manner. With strands often falling over her eyes. Though she has taken to wearing a thin silver circlet set with a turquoise stone to prevent such. A gentle smile almost always touches her perpetually pouty lips. Though at times an air of contemplation, bordering on sadness if she is by herself, surrounds her. If one knew no better they would think her to be no older than thirty winters, though she was born in the last year of the second age. She stands about five foot four, making her rather on the diminuative side for an Elf. Though despite being thin and small framed her form could not be called anything less than shapely. Oftimes she can be seen wearing dark brown leather britches, as well as a cream colored poets shirt that falls to her hips, over which she wears a dark green boddice. A medium sized quiver filled with black and aqua fletched arrows; as well as a sturdy, green bow, decoratively painted with oak leaves hang upon her back. Dark green, seude archers gauntlets encircle her wrists, up to her elbows to protect her from the snap of the bowstring and a sturdy rapier hangs at her hip from the belt cinched to her waist. Though her thin, delicate hands are just as used to stitching a wound, or the feel of a lute as they are any weapon.
Personality Description:
Gentle in nature, Cara can be soft spoken at times. Though if necesary she can fulfil the role of leader as well. She is deeply caring of those dear to her heart and will give all possible, her life included, for their safety. From time to time she can be a bit brooding if left to her own thoughts and devices, during such times it is not uncommon to see her fingering a golden locket hung upon a delicate chain about her neck. Though the presence of her husband is enough to keep the past sorrows of her life from overunning her thoughts. In his company she is jovial and indeed quite talkative, though she has a tendancy to be wary and shy around strangers.
Caradain was born in the year 3441 of the second age to Jerandle Augustmoon of Greenwood the great and his wife Cecilia who hailed from the woods of Lothlorien. The marriage was frowned upon by Cecilia's parents, who deemed Jerandle as a rogue wanderer, not good enough for their daughter. The couple was forced by this attitude to relocate to Jerandle's home in the Greenwood, where the younger of their two daughters Audrealla was born. Several years later, when the family was returning from a trade deal that would supply their village with necessary food and provisions for the coming winter the caravan was attacked by a desperate goblin raid in which Jerandle was killed. In her grief, Cecilia departed the Greenwood, leaving Audrella behind at the insistance of Jerandle's family. They claimed the child was far to young to undergo such a journey. Taking Cara, she returned to the woods of Lothlorien, where she perished from her grief several months later. Cara was raised to the age of maturity by her mother's sister Celestia.
Shortly after reaching the age of maturity, Cara decided to leave Lorien. Over the course of the years; her parents death, for which she blamed herself, lay heavy on her heart. To her mind had she not called out to her father while he was trying to defend himself he would have survived and her mother would have not died in grief. All in all, the memories had become too much to bear. She travelled many years after leaving her home, spending some time in Arnor before it fell to the witchking's forces, before finally settling for many years in the land of Rohan. In the year 3016 of the third age she left Rohan to go "wherever the horses would take her". After Several days of following a heard, she was set upon by brigands, who stole the only worldly possesion she held dear. A small golden locket etched with a moon and stars that held portraits of her parents. For several days she followed the brigands in effort to regain what was taken from her. Unfortunately for her she landed herself into more than she had bargained for. As she tried to escape what had once been her quarry she was injured by the brigand leader, who had taken it in his mind to "have a bit of sport with the troublesome imp". Thankfully for her, a passing ranger slew the brigand leader and frightened off his band.
This ranger, who goes by the name of Jaye Silvermoon, took her to Gondor and left her in the care of a healer by the name of Callisma. Cara was forced to spend a month recouperating in the houses of healing, during which she and the Ranger Jaye began to form a strong bond that eventually turned to love. Shortly before Cara was about to leave, Jaye finally found the courage to admit his feelings to her, causing her to stay and take on a position as an apprentice healer. A year later the two were wed. They lived happily for yet another year, before Jaye was injured in an attempt to protect a family from a pack of wargs. The young son was sent to fetch a healer for the injured ranger, who he brought back with him was Cara. Frantically she worked on her husband's injuries untill Callisma and more healers came upon her. Callisma ordered the others to remove the now hysterical elf from the scene. Later on that evening Cara was led to believe her husband had died of his injuries.
In truth Jaye was ordered away on a secret mission. The ruse of his death to his wife was made in the belief that she would be better off without knowledge of his whereabouts and that a happy reunion was to be in order years later. Though as always things don't work the way they are meant to as far as Cara is concerned. She left Gondor on the night she had learned of Jaye's supposed death, heading for Rivendell. Thankfully, what could have ended tragically for the couple worked out in their reunion. Once Jaye had cleared up the whole story with Cara she decided to accompany him on his mission, whatever that may be. Little did she know that his orders would lead them to the doors of Angmar themselves.
Friends and Enemies
Jaye Silvermoon (Husband)
Any who would harm an innocent, or those whom she holds dear.
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