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World: Landroval
Vocation: Historian
Class: Lore-master
Race: Race of Man
Region: N/A
Age: Old (As a Maia, he's technically as old as time... He first appeared in Middle-earth T.A. 1300, making him approximately 1,718 years old at the time of the War of the Ring)
Height: 6'0" / 1.83 m
Sex: Male
Skin: Pale
Hair: Grey
Eye: Light Blue

Work in Progress


General Information:

Calanto is one of the Maia, one of the spirits created by Ilúvatar when time began. He long served several of the Valar, and as he saw Darkness descending upon Middle-earth as Sauron returned to power and summoned the Nazgúl to himself, he petitioned the Valar to send him to Middle-earth to help guide and encourage the Free-Peoples in the coming dark times. He was granted this under the condition that his powers were significantly limited, even more so than the Istari, who were sent for a similar purpose prior to Calanto's request. This is why Calanto is robed in the form of an old man, the form served him well; he would become a grandfatherly figure to many: the mentor figure who teaches, guides, and protects those he cares for.


Calanto doesn't use his true name in Middle-earth. He typically goes by Calston, but he goes by other names as well, depending on the situation he's in. Friends and enemies alike call him 'Old Man' from time to time, though this is just given his aged appearance and demeanor. Amongst Elves and Dúnedain Rangers, he is often called Istonion, which means Knowledge Kindler in Sindarin. He also uses this as a pen-name for any lore contributions he's given over the years. The Dwarves in ages past gave him the name Danukzigral, which means Green Wizard in Khuzdul, though this name is only in some old texts and is seldom spoken aloud in the current times. Some of the servants of evil also have a name for him, Globsharku, Foolish Old Man in the Black Speech.

Physical Description:

Personality Description:


Friends and Enemies


  • N/A


  • N/A


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