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Physical Description: Byhrtnoth is a middle-aged man of Rohan, grey of hair (what little there is left...) and brown of eye. He wears robes of Rohan green when in town, but usually discards these for serviceable heavy armour when out and about. He sometimes carries a round shield after the fashion of the Rohirrim, but often fights with a weapon in each hand - usually sword and dagger.
Personality Description: While happy with his own company, Byhrtnoth enjoys the companionship of a small circle of good friends. Initially on arriving in Breeland from Rohan, he kept himself to himself, but has been pleasantly surprised by the generosity he has found in the North. He has been helped with rare gifts of objects and advice, and hopes to repay these as his capabilities as a craftsman and an expeditioner increase.
Byhrtnoth is a horse-breeder from the northern Riddermark, in the West Emnet close under the eaves of Fangorn wood. Like most men of Rohan he is a horseman and rider in the muster of Rohan in times of need, but spent most of his early adulthood breeding horses in the plains of the Gap of Rohan.
Ten years ago he was sent north,journeying westwards through the Gap and then northwards via Tharbad and the Greenway, to Breeland. Fine though the horses of Rohan may be, it has always been the policy of King Théoden to improve their bloodline with judicious imports from other stock. Byhrtnoth's task was to look out for especially good specimens (particularly in the area north of Bree-town) which could be sent south. Every year or two he would lead a string of the best horses back home for breeding, returning to Bree after a few months away.
He now regards himself as much at home in Bree as in Rohan, though the disturbing news from the south makes him worry. The last passage through the gap of Rohan was not an easy one, the small party being attacked by orcs coming down from the tail of the Misty Mountains to the north. He is torn between anxiety for his old lands, and concern at the growing threats seemingly faced by his newly-adopted home.
He has recently learned to his surprise that there are others from Rohan living in and near Bree and was pleased to meet with this exiled Eored who mustered to pursue a quest of their own.
He has a modest house in the Bree homesteads at 3 High Road, Harcrest, furnished with some of the things he has made himself with his tailoring and forester skills and decorated outside with the banner of the Free Peoples.
Friends and Enemies
- Arthurn - a Man of Bree with whom Byhrtnoth habitually adventures.
- Other members of the Oldlineth Oaks kinship, such as:
- Peach
- Kyric
- Galmorin
- Fellow members of the Breeland crafting circle, namely:
- Rosedown of Bree, Woman scholar and weaponcrafter
- Estellin, elven jeweller
- Potto Pipeweed, hobbit woodworker
- N/A
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