User:Blake IR/Daeracharn
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Daeracharn | |
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Clan of the Everburning Chalice | |
World: | Gladden |
Vocation: | Historian |
Class: | Lore-master |
Race: | Elf |
Region: | Ered Luin |
Age: | 68 |
Height: | 6'1" |
Sex: | Male |
Skin: | Slight Tan |
Hair: | Dark Brown |
Eye: | Blue |
Physical Description:
Personality Description:
Legacy Weapons:
Items of Interest:
Vocation and Profession Details:
- Apprentice
- Proficient
- Master
- Journeyman
- Proficient
- Master
- Expert
- Proficient
- Master
- Artisan
- Proficient
- Master
- Master
- Apprentice
- Apprentice
- Apprentice
Favorite Quote:
“The majority of pacifists either belong to obscure religious sects or are simply humanitarians who object to taking life and prefer not to follow their thoughts beyond that point. But there is a minority of intellectual pacifists, whose real though unacknowledged motive appears to be hatred of western democracy and admiration for totalitarianism. Pacifist propaganda usually boils down to saying that one side is as bad as the other, but if one looks closely at the writing of the younger intellectual pacifists, one finds that they do not by any means express impartial disapproval but are directed almost entirely against Britain and the United States …”
George Orwell
Friends and Enemies
- Clan of the Everburning Chalice members;
- Garthador, Father Lord of the Everburning Chalice, Captain of Man, Armourer
- Bild, Seneschal of the Everburning Chalice, Champion of Man, Armsman
- Magnorr, Kinsman of the Everburning Chalice, Dwarf Rune-keeper, Tinker
- Reyrkir, Kinsman of the Everburning Chalice, Guardian of Dwarves, Woodsman
- Atacinus, Kinsman of the Everburning Chalice, Burglar of Hobbits, Explorer
- Folcard, Kinsman of the Everburning Chalice, Hobbit Minstrel, Historian
- Faengur, Kinswoman of the Everburning Chalice, Elf Hunter, Woodsman
- Claddenfell, Recruit of the Everburning Chalice, Dwarf Hunter, Explorer
- Outsiders;
Allied Factions:
- N/A