User:Ardra/Laera Fairwyn
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Laera Fairwyn | |
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No Kinship | |
World: | Landroval |
Vocation: | Yeoman |
Class: | Minstrel |
Race: | Man |
Region: | Gondor |
Age: | 22 |
Height: | 5'4" |
Sex: | Female |
Skin: | Light |
Hair: | Brown |
Physical Description: Laera comes from a gentle breed of Gondorian ladies, and truly has only learned to hold her own in combative situations through sheer necessity. She takes to lovely dresses and skirts, but is unable to afford such adornments or wear them for most of her travels, opting instead for simple robings.
Personality Description: At first glance, it would be easily to classify Laera as 'naive'. One would never suspect one so gentle and trusting had come all the way from Gondor, learning musical arts and self-defense. She often embarasses herself in noble company, talking a tad bit too much and giggling over silly things, though she is more intelligent than most give her credit. She is much more a musician and farmer than any sort of warrior, and her only even remotely brutish habit is smoking of pipe-weed. It is hard to repress her beaming smile or blushing cheeks, and she is a friendly sort with most folk she meets.
Amongst all the adventurous tales and tragedies amongst the peoples of Middle-Earth, Laera's story seems quite plain. She did not see much of tragedy or war growing up, and came from a simple and kind family. It was not death of kin or necessity that drove her to travel so far from her home in Gondor, but rather curiousity and the blessing of her relatives. They never suspected she'd travel all the way to Eriador!
She learned much of the world in a short time, but never fully adjusted to accepting its cruelties as 'normal'. To this day, she considers wicked folk and those of less-than-savory character to be anomalies in a generally good world, and she knows nothing of the growing threats of Mordor or shadows in the east. She enjoys playing her harp, meeting new folk, trying varieties of drink, sharing tales, and good tilled earth.
Twas actually her love of good tilled earth that brought her into rare favor with Hobbits. She picked up farming quickly, and began producing crops of pipe-weed which she'd sell at local taverns. Her gentle nature and respect for peace and quiet brought her into good standing with the bounders, who let her come and go freely as she pleases.
Journeys and Tasks
- Has completed a pilgramage to Rivendell
- Has stood at the peak of Weathertop
- Has wandered the peaks of the Misty Mountains
Trade Items
At core, Laera is far more a tradesman and minstrel than a warrior. For this reason, she is always available and eager to do business:
- Pipeweed : Currently her stock ranges primarily in Longbottom Leaf, Southlinch, and Southern Star but she is always willing to take special orders for specific types of pipeweed.
- Produce : Currently Laera can grow crops of yellow onions, cabbages, and mushrooms. She is always looking to expand her recipes, though these cost 45 silver each, a difficult thing to come by.
- Cooked items : Laera is skilled in the production of cooked items including pie crusts, mushroom pies, pork roast, hard biscuits, and journeyman items.
Friends and Enemies
- Jaco, One of the 'less-than-savory' characters who somehow has become a common companion of Laera's
- Scorric, a man of Rohan who Laera is secretly attracted to (she has an odd thing for rugged fellows, and has more than once drifted into a blank dreamy stare when passing the Strider)
- Hobbits in general, specifically those who partake in the smoking of pipeweed
- None she would even know of
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