User:Ardra/Jael Ethilisome
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description: Jael bears the inherent beauty of her Elven kin, her eyes beaming bright blue and bearing grace in her every movement. She bears one characteristic that differs her from her Mirkwood kin; her shorn hair which she cut after having fled Mirkwood. She prefers Elven-garb over any clothing designed by or for the Race of Men.
Personality Description: It is easy for folk of other races to look upon Elves and think them stuffy or self-centered. Jael does not help this image, though she's hardly stuffy. She was raised to be proud of her heritage, and like most of her kin, took little interest in the cultures and histories of outsiders, until she left her woodland home. Much of what she was taught stays with her, and one of her common phrases (mostly used towards her companion Jaraak, a rather poor example of an elf) is "That's terribly dwarf-like of you" and she bears her kinsmans wariness of Dwarves. She has learned more about the other free peoples of Middle-Earth during her travels, and while she has slowly begun to understand their ways, she is quite slow to adopt them.
Jael Ethilisome was raised to be what every proud Elf parent wishes their daughter to be: a good Elf, well versed in history and craft, beautiful and noble, and always wary of Dwarves. She was chosen to be apprenticed in the lore of her Mirkwood kin, and learned to communicate with bird and beast. She was an obedient child, and showed sign she would one day make a fine Elf-Maiden.
All was fine until she chose her animal ally: a crow named Archimedes. Such would not have been any sign for concern, except for one considerable problem. Archimedes thinks he is a dog, and acts accordingly- panting, drooling, and doing his business with one leg raised. Whether it was a mistake in lore-use, a prank on Jael's part, or just random chance gone awry, the creature could not be fixed, and it was suggested to Jael that she choose a new ally to go with her coming of age. She adored her new friend however, and chose to keep him.
From that point on, she began to show other signs of semi-rebellion. Nothing blatant, but she began questioning much, even things which were well accepted amongst Mirkwood kind. She also expressed yearning to explore beyond the paths of Mirkwood, and see the world of Men.
Her parents grew concern for their daughter, and decided perhaps it would be best for her to marry. Marriage is no small matter amongst Elven kind, so they did not wish to force her into an arranged marriage. There was, however, a young hunter-elf of Mirkwood who had grown affection in his heart towards Jael, and wished to court her to become his bride. He was a good Elf, but despite his affections, despair grew in Jael's heart... for she did not truly love him in return. Many Elf-women are learned in the arts of combat, but she knew her future would not be one of exploring far off lands and strange worlds, but rather fulfilling her role as life-bearer, as such is an honored and sacred role amongst Elves... her future husband had already expressed a desire for children.
The conflict became too great for Jael, and the despair of disappointing her kin and her fiance too much to bear. For the first time, she feared the cage of her forest home, and in an unusual move of desperation, she fled Mirkwood, cutting her long hair short and crossing the mountains west. Archimedes has never left her side.
Since then, she was explored and studied in Eriador, learning more of the ways of Men and Hobbits, and free folk... though she often despairs over whether it twas wisdom to leave her Woodland home.
Trade Items
- Lore: While still a journeyman, Jael is learned in many different types of minor lore, including Battle, Warding (group), Metalsmithing, Woodworking, Tailoring, and other crafting lore. She also has abilities to produce minor lore, which includes upgraded crafting lore.
- Lesser Essence of Athelas : Jael is capable in the art of producing healing potions from the Athelas plant, which can be ordered or bought from the auction house.
- Dyes : Currently Jael can produce gold and sienna dye.
Friends and Enemies
- Jaraak, An Elf who wishes he were a dwarf
- Dwarves, though only enemies in a very loose sense
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- Aye, m'lady, that's a wonderful potrait of yerself. -Syngar