This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description: Anardion is a stout man, with a lean body and a sharp mind. He is taller than an average man since he hails from the Númenor, also called the Dúnedain. His hair is well styled with a long and easy haircut, that go well together with his shaved face. (Had a beard during the wars of Annúminas) His heavy armour is fashioned from elvish steel and leather, though he rarely wears plate armor. Anardion usually wears typical ranger garments, such as leather armour with hooded cloak. His clothes are of good make, but looks worn and well-used. Anardion have reached the age of 84, but does still look like he's only 35, but if one were to look into his eyes, one would see that there is more wisdom in in his eyes than his face would allow to reveal.
Personality Description: Anardion's strength is leadership, and he has always been in pursuit of virtue. He is a man of honour, justice and faith. He is very friendly, and would rather end an arguement with words than with the blade. (Though he is very well trained in the arts of sword-fighting.) He has great patience and is both wise and valiant. He has a sharp mind, and is quick to find solutions to problems. Anardion is a great leader, but would never force anyone to fight. Anardion stays calm and relaxed no matter what you do to taunt him, just don't talk bad about his people, The Dúnedain.
Anardion Adunain grew up in Arnor among his fellow númenorean kinsmen. Early on, he learned the arts of combat, and was trained to become a captain and leader. In his 30's he travelled to Gondor with a small band of Dúnedain to aid the Ithilien Rangers. He fought in the war of Annúminas and Ettenmoors and always sleep with a dagger under his pillow. He is a charming and handsome man that ladies often desire, though Anardion has no time for women at the moment, because Middle-Earth is on the brink of destruction.
Friends and Enemies
- The Dúnedain rangers.
- Sauron's servants.
It is said that he once dropped his helmet in the mouth of Helchgam.
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