This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description: My main cahracter Torli is just a little less then 1.7m tall, he has dark brown eyes, and white hair and a long, old white beard. He wears common human robes used in the lands around Gondor. He is a little stronger in the hips, althou he calls it muscle. Wearing a big shiled and a long sword also makes up his looks. Personality Description: He is rather shy, he tends not to be to trustive and communicative with strangers, but he is a very good friend and loyal to his companions. Althou he is rather shy he still is more open the most other dwarfs tho. His belive in friendship and loyatly isent bound to races, he has friends amopng hobbitses, elves and man. Althou his trust is hard to gain, once you have it he is very reliable and shows him self in a much differnt light then before. He likes good food and drinks, when he drinks a little to much he becomes very social and talks a lot. but he is not a drunk, its rear he drinks to much, but he can handle a lot of alkohol.
He is the son of a once great dwarven craftsman called Dworli, his father died long ago, recenatly he got a son, his name is GLadin, a wise dwarf, who unlike the majority of dwarfs prefers books over wepons and handles his buisnies in a different way. He also has two adopted doughters, humans, he found them out side an inn, abandonded by their parantes, and raised them like his own. Their both became firce warrioes looking for a role model at their new father. Their names are Lilithwyn and Liliwen
Friends and Enemies
- Levborn, Falovir, Tearo, Gwenneth, Turanien, Adoras, Riadras, Gvethir, Evellin, Lyvins, Hudson, Curufinrod, Torbjron, Kiera, Aryanis, Bearwig, Calenlass, Pinti, Selwen and Hursh and many others i cant recall right now (couse im not copying my friends list, just typing some)
P.S lis also goes for their alts :P
Mornaro, Dangmolito, Alejra, and others who ruin [en-rp] Laurein PvP and are terrible persons
I love Aryanis, human minstrel, best minstrel ever born and great guy and one of the best PvPers on the server