This article is a Player character biography page
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.
Achazia Songweaver
The Shadows
Achazia Songweaver
Biography: Achazia is a musician and composer. Born in Staddle outside Bree, her mother Calanthe abandoned the family when Achazia was just a little girl. Her father was a musician and a farmer, and tried his best to take care of himself and Achazia. Times were hard in Staddle, and because of poverty and the war, her father was forced to leave Achazia to find work. He gave her away to a family in Bree, with the intention that he wanted Achazia to have a better future. He gave her his Lute as a reminder of him, and told her he loved her. Since then Achazia has been inspired to learn to play her fathers songs on his Lute. When she got older she set out on her lonely journey into Middle-Earth to try and find her father. On the way she learnt to compose songs, playing the lute and various other instruments, as a comfort in her time of darkness...Description: Her grey sparkling eyes are quite unique and beautiful, but she avoid eyecontact with others because of her shyness. She don't talk to much, only with her closest friends and those she loves..You find her usually in corners playing her music all by her self, and sometimes she finds inspiration when she plays her music on known and unknown places she have found and that she loves. But deep inside her, she hopes her father will hear his songs and come back to her incase he don't recognize her.She is very generous and helpful and often aids her friends as a healer. She also plays her music on events and teach others to play instruments and are not expeting anything back. Many apreciates her music though, and you can tell when hundreds of folks arrives on her events with her band The Shades. Here is some pictures from some of The Shades events: Audience at The Shades concert at Breeland homesteads in Ravenmere, 30 March 2008Audience at The Shades concert at Breeland Festivalground 15 June 2008Audience at The Shades concert at the forges in Thorins Hall 02 November 2008Audience at The Shades concert at the Partytree in Shire 31 May 2009Audience at The Shades concert in Celondim 06 June 2010
Friends and Enemies
Everyone in The Shades and The Shadows
Eovina, Lithia, Amadreruil and Silwaen. So different all of you. But has so much respect for you *bow* Love you :)
..Rumours said Achazia is up to something that includes other musicians in Middle Earth..not only her own band..
..Achazia has got a hint where her father is.. And he might be alive.. She is planning a long journey now, and will be leaving Bree soon..