Update 42.3 - Thursday December 12, 2024
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Update 42.3 Release Notes
Here are the Release Notes for Update 42.3, released on Thursday, December 12th, 2024.
Of Special Note:
The Yule Festival begins on Thursday, December 12th starting at 10:00 AM Eastern (-5 GMT)!
The Yuletide Festival brings seasonal fun to The Lord of the Rings Online with new rewards for 2024! Special Hobbit Gifts are also available throughout Yuletide. Read more in our guide on LOTRO.com. New rewards for the year include a cosmetic outfit of the Snowy Evening, decorative Snowy Evening walls, a Snowy Evening Steed and more! The Yuletide Festival runs until 3:00 AM Eastern (-4 GMT) on January 6th, 2025.

News and Notes:
- Account-based reputation boosts for Legacy of Morgoth factions will now function properly for all types of VIPs. For now, you will still need to log in a qualifying high reputation character before the Favoured Standing activates for alt characters on the world.
- Dozens of fixes have been made to Elf and High-elf armour models to correct clipping and other issues.
- Toned down the healing from the Bounty Hunter's Guild potions as they were significantly stronger than intended.
- The buff and healing potions from the Bounty Hunter's Guild no longer share cooldowns with each other.
- Added a new set of level 60 Essences with a minimum level of 56 that are available through the Moria Bounty Hunter's Guild.
- Malgama in Urash Dar can now be travelled to via the Stable-collection panel.
- The Annak-kurfu Mission Stable-master now has the new mission destinations that were added as part of the Legacy of Morgoth expansion pack.
- Milestones have been added to Shonith and Vartúlin.
- Fixed an issue that could cause some UI elements including vertical Quickslot bars to become incorrectly scaled.
- French + German: Fixed some sizing issues of various buttons on the different collection panel pages.
- GERMAN: The term for "Miner" has been consolidated into "Bergarbeiter/Bergarbeiterin"
- Task boards for the Adúrhid, the Ikorbâni, and the Phetekâri are now marked on the map.
- Nud Melek was overlooked in the list of regions where Moria spawns should occur rather than wraiths, and has been added to the list.
- PvMP: Falgashud will now correctly display the barter entry for "Ancient Boons" the defiler trait.
- Warring Horse-lords cosmetics (shoulder, chest, and legs) should now equip to the proper slot and display correctly.
- Brawler Battle-dancer's and Uncompromising set gear has been corrected. The pieces can once again be equipped by a Brawler, and the stats on the Battle-dancer's items have been increased to be comparable to other classes.
- Various pieces of Beorning Stone-hide, Iron-tooth, and Stone-claw set Armour, were accidentally granting agility as a primary stat. These have been corrected to granting might as the primary stat.
- Fixed an issue in the Mûkh Bahora fight in Tûl Zakana wherein sometimes the crocodile and serval enemies were not resetting properly upon defeat.
- Fixed an issue in the Mûkh Bahora spider fight in Tûl Zakana wherein players could end up in separate areas when retreating.
- Fixed an issue with the Imhûlari Spider Shades in the Mûkh Bahora fight in Tûl Zakana not rendering properly.
- Fixed an issue with some Imhûlar missions porting players out of their mission instance erroneously.
- The Caparison of the Treasured Wellspring has its correct appearance once again.
- The Grand Relic of Ikorbân and Large Seed Pod can now really be used while mounted.
Known Issues:
- Some characters exhibit clipping of the legs to the sides of the mount when using the milestone_rohan emote. This will be corrected in a future game update.
- The Annak-kurfu mission stable-master will not automatically discover the mission destinations that were added as part of the Legacy of Morgoth expansion pack. Other mission stable-masters will automatically discover those destinations, at which point Annak-kurfu will have access to them. This issue will be resolved in update 43.