Update 42.1 - Thursday November 14, 2024
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Update 42.1 Release Notes
Here are the Release Notes for Update 42.1: Legacy of Morgoth Patch 1 released on Thursday, November 14, 2024.
Of Special Note
Tier 3 of the Legacy of Morgoth Instances are now available!
The Ikorbân Valley instances open at Noon Eastern time on Thursday, November 14th. The Leading the Charge Deeds are available to complete through January 14th, 2025, with a formal end time of 3:00 AM Eastern on January 15th, 2025.
The 12th Legendary Items Reward Track is now available!
The latest Legendary Items Reward Track has arrived with new rewards. Available through February 11th, 2025!
News and Notes
- Elf appearance versioning has been added for 42.1. If your Elf has already logged in, you will see no change. If you have not yet logged in any Elf characters, when you do login they will update with headpieces and other options to more closely match your old Elf appearance.
- High elves now have improved neck textures.
- High elf female characters now correctly use the elf body type slider.
- Elf male and female hat hair no longer has a gap and now use elf ears flat instead of human ears.
- When out of combat, High Elf female handheld equipment now correctly stays in hands and no longer floats.
- Brawlers, Burglars, Captains, and Mariners should now correctly be able to remove Fear effects with their CC-break skills: Slip Free, Find Footing, Withdrawal, and Sea Legs.
- Hunter: In for the Kill now accurately reflects the potency of Heart Seeker's Incoming Damage debuff.
- Lore-master: Minor Call - Flank (the red-line skill) has been returned to the correct cooldown of 15s.
- Captain: Words of Courage now stacks only once per Captain on a single target.
- War-leader: The Lead the Charge trait description has been corrected and now refers to cooldown rather than induction.
Quests, Deeds, and Adventure Areas:
- Veil of the Nine event (on Angmar and Mordor):
- Changed the maximum wraith arena size from 45->36.
- Reduced the Gloom of Nurn's max health to match the other Nazgûl.
- Guardian Harrowing Wraiths will no longer appear outside the portal allowing entrance to the Ringwraith arena space to prevent these guardians from spawning in multiple locations.
- The rock blocking access to Nona's Cave has been removed.
- The quest 'Voice on the Wind' now rewards Ikorbâni Faction Experience.
- The quest 'Intercept the Courier' had its quest guide location radius increased to make it appear clearer on the map.
- The instance version of the quest 'Across the Ikorbân' now has a level of 150 associated with it.
- The quest 'Respite at Shonith' now grants Kintai Faction experiece.
- The counter for total number of Ordâkhai to eliminate in the quest 'Flowers of the Floodplain' now correctly reflects the 12 eliminations needed to advance when announcing the number of kills.
- Floating objects in Ikorbân Valley have been grounded.
- Stuck spots in Nirgambâr have been resolved.
- The following Imhûlar missions now correctly show quest inventory items while on their respective missions. These missions will be versioned in this update, meaning that any charactes with these quests underway will need to pick them up and start them again: "Recovering the Past", "Vanished In Zahûmakh".
- The following Imhûlar quests now correctly show quest inventory items while on their respective quests. These quests will be versioned in this update, meaning that any charactes with these quests underway will need to pick them up and start them again: "Salves for a Ravaged Land, Parts 4 & 5", "Nursing a Wounded Land", "Full Bellies and Warm Hearths", Becoming a Tree-bearer", "Fresh Shoots and Rich Soil".
Items & Rewards:
- Season 12 of the Legendary Item Reward Track will launch on November 14th at 10am Eastern Time. Season 11 ends November 14th at 9:59am Eastern Time.
- The minstrel and mariner instruments available from instance cluster barter are now item level 525.
- The legendary quality set item rings, bracelets, and earrings available from instance cluster barter no longer have a disenchant value.
- The legendary quality set item rings, bracelets, and earrings available from instance cluster barter are now Bound to Account, not Character, but can only be equipped in one equipment slot. This means you cannot equip a pair of identical legendary rings, earrings, or bracelets at the same time.
- All weapons dropping in the instance cluster now do non-common damage (Westernesse, Beleriand, or Ancient Dwarf).
- All bows dropping in the instance cluster now correctly disenchant into Embers.
- Several armour rewards from Ikorbân instances now have the appropriate essence slots that they were originally missing.
- The Ikorbân Valley Instance Reward Vendor now has music boxes available featuring music from the Ikorbân Valley Instance Cluster.
- Class barter vendors at the fishing village of Bej Mâgha have been re-enabled, and will now barter class items, bows, and instruments related to the new Ikorbân instance cluster. These items now require 3 of each relevant barter item to account for their higher than intended drop rate. The cost in Sand-worn Copper Tokens for each item remains unchanged.
- Tûl Zakana, The Well of Forgetting instance:
- Fixed an issue where the Hands of Forgetting did not always reappear properly on player reset.
- Fixed an issue where players were not released from combat in the final stage of the Mûkh Bahora boss fight.
- Fixed an issue where the Mûkh Bahora did not always respawn in the initial area on player reset.
- Broadcasts to pull the lever in the Bahádring the Unmindful boss fight now stop when Bahádring is defeated.
- Bahádring's player blessings no longer do a small amount of damage to the player.
- Nirgambâr, the Restless Tomb
- Cursed Nirgambâr Spirits are now immune to Fellowship Maneouvres.
- Cursed Nirgambâr Spirits no longer erroneously knock players back before completing their induction.
- Cursed Nirgambâr Spirits now induct for longer on lower tiers.
- Cavernous Shout can now be interrupted on Tier 2 (not Tier 3).
- Fallen Nirgambâr Spirit Auras of Death now deal more Damage.
- The Deeds for completing Tier 1 or Tier 2 of the Sunken Labyrinth instance will now complete after defeating Muzgásh and no longer requires players to follow the NPC for completion.
- The Castellan of Barad Gularan now drops only one key, and it is destroyed upon leaving the instance.
- Fixed an issue where the chat window was not correctly checking its opacity option on login.
Known Issues
- Due to a bug preventing completion, 'The Witan: The Battle for Hytbold' has been locked. This quest will be fixed and re-opened in a future patch.
- One of the Chests for the Treasure Seeker of Urash Dar Deed is currently inaccessible, preventing some Deed completion.
- Scaled and rotated Quickslot bars are not displaying properly when re-logging into the game client.
- High Elves cannot enter Grobo's House for quest 'Grobo's Request' due to a height issue.
- The Session play for Book 7, Chapter 2: The Point of Decision is not working. Players can choose to do the Shortened Account version of the session to advance this quest.