Update 20.1 - April 18, 2017
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Update 20.1 Release Notes
Update 20.1 Release Notes
Here are the Release Notes for Update 20.1, released on Tuesday, April 18th, 2017.
Of Special Note
10th Anniversary Scavenger Hunt
Our new Anniversary Scavenger Hunt begins on Thursday! Waldo Rumble requires your assistance at the Party Tree in the Shire. Complete scavenger hunts each week to earn rewards and celebrate ten years of LOTRO!
News and Notes:
- The Treasure The Hunter's Satchel will now correctly display the applied dye. However, this item's dye color will interfere with Rune-keeper satchel dyes when worn together.
- Housing - Silent Hope and Hills of the Shire music boxes now loop all available tracks instead of looping a single track after the first play-through.
- Crafting - The Large Bundle of Dagorlad Provisions and Small Bundle of Rangers' Provisions recipes now require a single Rangers' Journal of Dagorlad Cookery each to craft.
- Crafting - The tailor "Padded Gondorian Garments" recipe will no longer have the option to craft a Supreme Essence of Masterful Agility.
- Emotes - Acquisition of the Stoicpose is no longer incorrectly gated by having /heropose.
- Emotes - The Stoicpose emote will no longer show both a bow and an offhand weapon overlapping each other. Hunters will hold their bow while other classes will hold their equipped offhand weapons.
Quests and Adventure Areas
- Book 8: The Black Gate has been added to the deed for Epic Volume IV: The Strength of Sauron.
- The Wastes - Dol Acharn, "Vengeance of the Fallen" and "Memories of the Last Alliance" should no longer slow unreasonably bright when your graphics are set to DX10 or DX11.
- The Wastes - Dol Acharn - The unseen presence on the hill that can defeat you no longer has placeholder text in its name.
- The Wastes - The correct map now shows when visiting Lang Rhuven. Various missing map notes were also fixed for The Wastes map.
- Dead Marshes - Quest: The Dead of Dagorlad - The reeds have been adjusted so you can once again approach all of the apparitions.
- Festival - A Festive Flurry/A Bustling Bloom - Quests should no longer become stuck (unable to accept or decline) in the Auto-bestow panel. Quests have been versioned.
- These quests now bestow and require your confirmation to accept. In addition, these types of quests will bestow if you enter the Bree Festival Grounds (Spring Festival), Frostbluff (Yule Festival), or the Party Tree (Anniversary).
- Lone-lands - Reflecting Pool - The solo version of the Red-pass instance now specifies that it is a solo instance.
- Mirkwood - Quest - A Cornered Foe - Defeating Shatog's guards very quickly will no longer prevent him from attacking you. Timing has also changed slightly on some of the prisoner's lines to speed up the ending sequence.
- Osgiliath (After-battle) - Quest - The Fallen King Renewed: Anduin Water can be selected more easily.
- Bree-land Homesteads - 2 Long Street - The doormat has been flipped so that when the Unwelcome Mat is placed, it is no longer backwards.
- Shire Homesteads - in a Standard house, the small wall hook next to the door is now flush with the wall.
- Cape of Belfalas Homesteads now has its own map with street names displayed.
- Various missing map notes have been fixed for the Cape of Belfalas Homesteads map, North Ithilien map, and Pelennor (After Battle) map.
- Your character will no longer turn black when jumping in water.
- Work has been done to correct some effects in code that were contributing to decreased game performance. The effects themselves remain unchanged, but this change is expected to improve the gameplay experience for some people in certain raids with specific class and skill circumstances.