The Maelstrom Skills

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These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Maelstrom (red) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Active Skills Category Cooldown Range Source
 Pummel Melee 15s 4m Set: Initial Skill
 Shattering Fist Melee + Debuff 10s 4m Set: Initial Skill
 First Strike Melee 8s 4m Trait:  First Strike
 Joy of Battle - Damage Buff 3m Self Trait:  Joy of Battle - Damage
 Aggressive Posture Buff 2s Self Trait:  Aggressive Posture
 Fist of the Valar Melee 20s 4m Trait:  Fist of the Valar
 Battle Fury Buff 3m Self Trait:  Battle Fury