Social:The Casual Travellers
This article is a Kinship information page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official LOTRO history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The kinships and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
KINSHIP NAME: The Casual Travellers
- Kinship Type: Mature, casual, helpful
- Kinship level: 10
- World: Snowbourn
- Website: The Casual Travellers
- Forums: The Casual Travellers' Forum and The Casual Travellers' X-Fire Clan
- Main Language: English
If you are way too old to talk to your colleagues about playing LOTRO, or have a spouse/kid that thinks you are, we are the kin for you. We have a good spread of high level and low, mid level players. We have a lot of casual players and a few not so casual, so there are always people on to play with. Everyone is mature and respectful to each other and we just like to have a laugh together. We have no rules about how often you must play, or anything silly like that. The one and only rule is just to be nice to each other. We all play just because it's fun, and only for as long as it's fun. We all have lives and this is just a game.
Our motto is: "Do not ask of others, what you would not do yourself."
We have superior master/guild crafters for all trades and everyone is more than willing to help when it comes to crafting or questing. We have a kin house but we don't force anyone to pay for upkeep, it's all purely voluntary, so you don't need to pay to be a member.
- Henowyn
- Lhomas
- Veovis