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The Old Timers Guild and The Old Time Crafters Laid back, not so serious, no drama. |
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- OTG Celebrated the Fourth on the Fifth -- with a good time had by all
Last evening (5 July, 2012) The Old Timer's Guild ( OTG) held its "Fourth on the Fifth" Parade and Giveaway on Gladden.
One day a couple of weeks ago, this dandy'd up dude, Fiddlerod, unexpectedly strolled into our Kin House and announced -- "Listen up, boys and girls. It's time for a party. How about celebrating the Fourth on the Fifth with lots of fireworks, contests and prizes!" Nobody had met this guy before, but since the OTG is always up for a party (we're not THAT old), it sounded like a good idea to everyone, and so planning began -- "[B]Fiddlerod's Fourth on the Fifth!![/B]"
Our Kin house in Uxbridge, in the Bree Homesteads is easy to spot. It's the one with the HUGE statue of Draigoch on the front Lawn! The statue is bigger than the Kin house and dominates the entire end of Long Street. And soon chests were brimming with all kinds of fireworks, delectable edibles and assorted other goodies.
Around 6:30PM Server Time, about 75 of us gathered there to participate in some "pre-parade" games and other fun.
Then, walking from our Kin house around 10:30 we were fascinated to find our entrance at the south gate graced by two silvery Mearas rearing on their hind legs on either side of the gate in salute.
OTG arrived in Bree at the Fountain Square to be greeted by a band of minstrels and a huge crowd. Parading in a circle around the fountain, we promptly began a fireworks show that lasted much longer than those in San Diago CA the night before!
The crowd continued to grow -- to the point were soon we were sloughing people off into other layers. Then beginning at 11pm Server Time, Fiddlerod began the give-away... an assortment of OTG crafted goodies from food-stuffs to potions to weapons. There were so many people clamoring for attention, that one had to ignore peoples names to be able to see and move about. About 11:15 PM Fiddlerod announced that he had been gifted with some special gifts for the good people of Gladden (everybody but OTG'rs, that is), A Perlino Mount was the top prize. Three 50 TP keys, and four Spring-fest cloaks completed the prizes available.
All of the give-aways exhausted and fireworks shot, we mounted up and rode back to the kin house around 11:30PM.
A glorious, Fourth on the Fifth, was had by all.