Scaled Instances Loot

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Dextrous (Agility/Vitality)

Fate Finesse Penetration Prowess
Chest  Lesser Dextrous Chestguard of Fate  Lesser Dextrous Chestguard of Finesse  Lesser Dextrous Chestguard of Penetration  Lesser Dextrous Chestguard of Prowess
Cloak  Lesser Dextrous Cloak of Fate  Lesser Dextrous Cloak of Finesse  Lesser Dextrous Cloak of Penetration  Lesser Dextrous Cloak of Prowess
Feet  Lesser Dextrous Boots of Fate  Lesser Dextrous Boots of Finesse  Lesser Dextrous Boots of Penetration  Lesser Dextrous Boots of Prowess
Gloves  Lesser Dextrous Gloves of Fate  Lesser Dextrous Gloves of Finesse  Lesser Dextrous Gloves of Penetration  Lesser Dextrous Gloves of Prowess
Head  Lesser Dextrous Helm of Fate  Lesser Dextrous Helm of Finesse  Lesser Dextrous Helm of Penetration  Lesser Dextrous Helm of Prowess
Legs  Lesser Dextrous Leggings of Fate  Lesser Dextrous Leggings of Finesse  Lesser Dextrous Leggings of Penetration  Lesser Dextrous Leggings of Prowess
Shoulder  Lesser Dextrous Shoulders of Fate  Lesser Dextrous Shoulders of Finesse  Lesser Dextrous Shoulders of Penetration  Lesser Dextrous Shoulders of Prowess
Warden's Shield  Lesser Dextrous Shield of Fate  Lesser Dextrous Shield of Finesse  Lesser Dextrous Shield of Penetration  Lesser Dextrous Shield of Prowess

Fate Finesse Morale Penetration Power Prowess
Ear  Lesser Dextrous Earring of Fate  Lesser Dextrous Earring of Finesse  Lesser Dextrous Earring of Morale  Lesser Dextrous Earring of Penetration  Lesser Dextrous Earring of Power  Lesser Dextrous Earring of Prowess
Finger  Lesser Dextrous Ring of Fate  Lesser Dextrous Ring of Finesse  Lesser Dextrous Ring of Morale  Lesser Dextrous Ring of Penetration  Lesser Dextrous Ring of Power  Lesser Dextrous Ring of Prowess
Neck  Lesser Dextrous Necklace of Fate  Lesser Dextrous Necklace of Finesse  Lesser Dextrous Necklace of Morale  Lesser Dextrous Necklace of Penetration  Lesser Dextrous Necklace of Power  Lesser Dextrous Necklace of Prowess
Pocket  Lesser Dextrous Bauble of Fate  Lesser Dextrous Bauble of Finesse  Lesser Dextrous Bauble of Morale  Lesser Dextrous Bauble of Penetration  Lesser Dextrous Bauble of Power  Lesser Dextrous Bauble of Prowess
Wrist  Lesser Dextrous Bracelet of Fate  Lesser Dextrous Bracelet of Finesse  Lesser Dextrous Bracelet of Morale  Lesser Dextrous Bracelet of Penetration  Lesser Dextrous Bracelet of Power  Lesser Dextrous Bracelet of Prowess

Fate Finesse Penetration Prowess
Axe  Lesser Dextrous Axe of Fate  Lesser Dextrous Axe of Finesse  Lesser Dextrous Axe of Penetration  Lesser Dextrous Axe of Prowess
Bow  Lesser Dextrous Bow of Fate  Lesser Dextrous Bow of Finesse  Lesser Dextrous Bow of Penetration  Lesser Dextrous Bow of Prowess
Club  Lesser Dextrous Club of Fate  Lesser Dextrous Club of Finesse  Lesser Dextrous Club of Penetration  Lesser Dextrous Club of Prowess
Crossbow  Lesser Dextrous Crossbow of Fate  Lesser Dextrous Crossbow of Finesse  Lesser Dextrous Crossbow of Penetration  Lesser Dextrous Crossbow of v
Dagger  Lesser Dextrous Dagger of Fate  Lesser Dextrous Dagger of Finesse  Lesser Dextrous Dagger of Penetration  Lesser Dextrous Dagger of Prowess
Hammer  Lesser Dextrous Hammer of Fate  Lesser Dextrous Hammer of Finesse  Lesser Dextrous Hammer of Penetration  Lesser Dextrous Hammer of Prowess
Mace  Lesser Dextrous Mace of Fate  Lesser Dextrous Mace of Finesse  Lesser Dextrous Mace of Penetration  Lesser Dextrous Mace of Prowess
Sword  Lesser Dextrous Sword of Fate  Lesser Dextrous Sword of Finesse  Lesser Dextrous Sword of Penetration  Lesser Dextrous Sword of Prowess

Enduring (Vitality/Might)

Blocking Evasion Fate Parrying Protection
Chest N/A  Lesser Enduring Hauberk of Evasion  Lesser Enduring Hauberk of Fate  Lesser Enduring Hauberk of Parrying  Lesser Enduring Hauberk of Protection
Cloak N/A  Lesser Enduring Cloak of Evasion  Lesser Enduring Cloak of Fate  Lesser Enduring Cloak of Parrying  Lesser Enduring Cloak of Protection
Feet N/A  Lesser Enduring Boots of Evasion  Lesser Enduring Boots of Fate  Lesser Enduring Boots of Parrying  Lesser Enduring Boots of Protection
Gloves N/A  Lesser Enduring Gauntlets of Evasion  Lesser Enduring Gauntlets of Fate  Lesser Enduring Gauntlets of Parrying  Lesser Enduring Gauntlets of Protection
Head N/A  Lesser Enduring Helm of Evasion  Lesser Enduring Helm of Fate  Lesser Enduring Helm of Parrying  Lesser Enduring Helm of Protection
Legs N/A  Lesser Enduring Leggings of Evasion  Lesser Enduring Leggings of Fate  Lesser Enduring Leggings of Parrying  Lesser Enduring Leggings of Protection
Shoulder N/A  Lesser Enduring Shoulder Guards of Evasion  Lesser Enduring Shoulder Guards of Fate  Lesser Enduring Shoulder Guards of Parrying  Lesser Enduring Shoulder Guards of Protection
Heavy Shield  Lesser Enduring Heavy Shield of Blocking  Lesser Enduring Heavy Shield of Evasion  Lesser Enduring Heavy Shield of Fate  Lesser Enduring Heavy Shield of Parrying N/A
Shield  Lesser Enduring Shield of Blocking  Lesser Enduring Shield of Evasion  Lesser Enduring Shield of Fate  Lesser Enduring Shield of Parrying N/A

Blocking Evasion Fate Morale Parrying Power Protection
Ear Item:Lesser Enduring Earring of Blocking Item:Lesser Enduring Earring of Evasion Item:Lesser Enduring Earring of Fate  Lesser Enduring Earring of Morale Item:Lesser Enduring Earring of Parrying Item:Lesser Enduring Earring of Power  Lesser Enduring Earring of Protection
Finger  Lesser Enduring Ring of Blocking  Lesser Enduring Ring of Evasion  Lesser Enduring Ring of Fate  Lesser Enduring Ring of Morale  Lesser Enduring Ring of Parrying  Lesser Enduring Ring of Power  Lesser Enduring Ring of Protection
Neck Item:Lesser Enduring Necklace of Blocking  Lesser Enduring Necklace of Evasion Item:Lesser Enduring Necklace of Fate  Lesser Enduring Necklace of Morale Item:Lesser Enduring Necklace of Parrying  Lesser Enduring Necklace of Power Item:Lesser Enduring Necklace of Protection
Pocket  Lesser Enduring Bauble of Blocking  Lesser Enduring Bauble of Evasion  Lesser Enduring Bauble of Fate  Lesser Enduring Bauble of Morale Item:Lesser Enduring Bauble of Parrying Item:Lesser Enduring Bauble of Power  Lesser Enduring Bauble of Protection
Wrist  Lesser Enduring Bracelet of Blocking Item:Lesser Enduring Bracelet of Evasion Item:Lesser Enduring Bracelet of Fate  Lesser Enduring Bracelet of Morale Item:Lesser Enduring Bracelet of Parrying  Lesser Enduring Bracelet of Power Item:Lesser Enduring Bracelet of Protection

Evasion Fate Parrying Protection
Axe  Lesser Enduring Axe of Evasion  Lesser Enduring Axe of Fate  Lesser Enduring Axe of Parrying  Lesser Enduring Axe of Protection
Bow  Lesser Enduring Bow of Evasion  Lesser Enduring Bow of Fate Item:Lesser Enduring Bow of Parrying Item:Lesser Enduring Bow of Protection
Club Item:Lesser Enduring Club of Evasion  Lesser Enduring Club of Fate Item:Lesser Enduring Club of Parrying  Lesser Enduring Club of Protection
Crossbow  Lesser Enduring Crossbow of Evasion Item:Lesser Enduring Crossbow of Fate  Lesser Enduring Crossbow of Parrying  Lesser Enduring Crossbow of Protection
Hammer Item:Lesser Enduring Hammer of Evasion  Lesser Enduring Hammer of Fate  Lesser Enduring Hammer of Parrying Item:Lesser Enduring Hammer of Protection
Mace  Lesser Enduring Mace of Evasion  Lesser Enduring Mace of Fate Item:Lesser Enduring Mace of Parrying  Lesser Enduring Mace of Protection
Sword  Lesser Enduring Sword of Evasion Item:Lesser Enduring Sword of Fate Item:Lesser Enduring Sword of Parrying  Lesser Enduring Sword of Protection

Resolute (Will/Vitality)

Fate Finesse Penetration Tactics
Chest  Lesser Resolute Shirt of Fate  Lesser Resolute Shirt of Finesse  Lesser Resolute Shirt of Penetration  Lesser Resolute Shirt of Tactics
Cloak  Lesser Resolute Cloak of Fate  Lesser Resolute Cloak of Finesse  Lesser Resolute Cloak of Penetration  Lesser Resolute Cloak of Tactics
Feet  Lesser Resolute Shoes of Fate  Lesser Resolute Shoes of Finesse  Lesser Resolute Shoes of Penetration  Lesser Resolute Shoes of Tactics
Gloves  Lesser Resolute Gloves of Fate  Lesser Resolute Gloves of Finesse  Lesser Resolute Gloves of Penetration  Lesser Resolute Gloves of Tactics
Head  Lesser Resolute Helm of Fate  Lesser Resolute Helm of Finesse  Lesser Resolute Helm of Penetration  Lesser Resolute Helm of Tactics
Legs  Lesser Resolute Leggings of Fate  Lesser Resolute Leggings of Finesse  Lesser Resolute Leggings of Penetration  Lesser Resolute Leggings of Tactics
Shoulder  Lesser Resolute Shoulder Pads of Fate  Lesser Resolute Shoulder Pads of Finesse  Lesser Resolute Shoulder Pads of Penetration  Lesser Resolute Shoulder Pads of Tactics
Shield  Lesser Resolute Shield of Fate  Lesser Resolute Shield of Finesse  Lesser Resolute Shield of Penetration  Lesser Resolute Shield of Tactics

Fate Finesse Morale Penetration Power Tactics
Ear  Lesser Resolute Earring of Fate  Lesser Resolute Earring of Finesse  Lesser Resolute Earring of Morale  Lesser Resolute Earring of Penetration  Lesser Resolute Earring of Power  Lesser Resolute Earring of Tactics
Finger  Lesser Resolute Ring of Fate  Lesser Resolute Ring of Finesse  Lesser Resolute Ring of Morale  Lesser Resolute Ring of Penetration  Lesser Resolute Ring of Power  Lesser Resolute Ring of Tactics
Neck  Lesser Resolute Necklace of Fate  Lesser Resolute Necklace of Finesse  Lesser Resolute Necklace of Morale  Lesser Resolute Necklace of Penetration  Lesser Resolute Necklace of Power  Lesser Resolute Necklace of Tactics
Pocket  Lesser Resolute Bauble of Fate  Lesser Resolute Bauble of Finesse  Lesser Resolute Bauble of Morale  Lesser Resolute Bauble of Penetration  Lesser Resolute Bauble of Power  Lesser Resolute Bauble of Tactics
Wrist  Lesser Resolute Bracelet of Fate  Lesser Resolute Bracelet of Finesse  Lesser Resolute Bracelet of Morale  Lesser Resolute Bracelet of Penetration  Lesser Resolute Bracelet of Power  Lesser Resolute Bracelet of Tactics

Fate Finesse Penetration Tactics
Club Item:Lesser Resolute Club of Fate  Lesser Resolute Club of Finesse Item:Lesser Resolute Club of Penetration Item:Lesser Resolute Club of Tactics
Dagger Item:Lesser Resolute Dagger of Fate  Lesser Resolute Dagger of Finesse  Lesser Resolute Dagger of Penetration  Lesser Resolute Dagger of Tactics
Mace  Lesser Resolute Mace of Fate  Lesser Resolute Mace of Finesse  Lesser Resolute Mace of Penetration  Lesser Resolute Mace of Tactics
Sword  Lesser Resolute Sword of Fate Item:Lesser Resolute Sword of Finesse Item:Lesser Resolute Sword of Penetration  Lesser Resolute Sword of Tactics

Steadfast (Vitality/Agility)

Blocking Evasion Fate Parrying Protection
Chest N/A  Lesser Steadfast Chestguard of Evasion  Lesser Steadfast Chestguard of Fate  Lesser Steadfast Chestguard of Parrying  Lesser Steadfast Chestguard of Protection
Cloak N/A  Lesser Steadfast Cloak of Evasion  Lesser Steadfast Cloak of Fate  Lesser Steadfast Cloak of Parrying  Lesser Steadfast Cloak of Protection
Feet N/A  Lesser Steadfast Boots of Evasion  Lesser Steadfast Boots of Fate  Lesser Steadfast Boots of Parrying  Lesser Steadfast Boots of Protection
Gloves N/A  Lesser Steadfast Gloves of Evasion  Lesser Steadfast Gloves of Fate  Lesser Steadfast Gloves of Parrying  Lesser Steadfast Gloves of Protection
Head N/A  Lesser Steadfast Helm of Evasion  Lesser Steadfast Helm of Fate  Lesser Steadfast Helm of Parrying  Lesser Steadfast Helm of Protection
Legs N/A  Lesser Steadfast Leggings of Evasion  Lesser Steadfast Leggings of Fate  Lesser Steadfast Leggings of Parrying  Lesser Steadfast Leggings of Protection
Shoulder N/A  Lesser Steadfast Shoulders of Evasion  Lesser Steadfast Shoulders of Fate  Lesser Steadfast Shoulders of Parrying  Lesser Steadfast Shoulders of Protection
Warden's Shield  Lesser Steadfast Shield of Blocking  Lesser Steadfast Shield of Evasion  Lesser Steadfast Shield of Fate  Lesser Steadfast Shield of Parrying N/A

Blocking Evasion Fate Morale Parrying Power Protection
Ear  Lesser Steadfast Earring of Blocking  Lesser Steadfast Earring of Evasion  Lesser Steadfast Earring of Fate  Lesser Steadfast Earring of Morale  Lesser Steadfast Earring of Parrying  Lesser Steadfast Earring of Power  Lesser Steadfast Earring of Protection
Finger  Lesser Steadfast Ring of Blocking  Lesser Steadfast Ring of Evasion  Lesser Steadfast Ring of Fate  Lesser Steadfast Ring of Morale  Lesser Steadfast Ring of Parrying  Lesser Steadfast Ring of Power  Lesser Steadfast Ring of Protection
Neck  Lesser Steadfast Necklace of Blocking  Lesser Steadfast Necklace of Evasion  Lesser Steadfast Necklace of Fate  Lesser Steadfast Necklace of Morale  Lesser Steadfast Necklace of Parrying  Lesser Steadfast Necklace of Power  Lesser Steadfast Necklace of Protection
Pocket  Lesser Steadfast Bauble of Blocking  Lesser Steadfast Bauble of Evasion  Lesser Steadfast Bauble of Fate  Lesser Steadfast Bauble of Morale  Lesser Steadfast Bauble of Parrying  Lesser Steadfast Bauble of Power  Lesser Steadfast Bauble of Protection
Wrist  Lesser Steadfast Bracelet of Blocking  Lesser Steadfast Bracelet of Evasion  Lesser Steadfast Bracelet of Fate  Lesser Steadfast Bracelet of Morale  Lesser Steadfast Bracelet of Parrying  Lesser Steadfast Bracelet of Power  Lesser Steadfast Bracelet of Protection

Valorous / Valourous (Might/Vitality)

Fate Finesse Penetration Prowess
Chest Item:Lesser Valorous Hauberk of Fate Item:Lesser Valorous Hauberk of Finesse Item:Lesser Valorous Hauberk of Penetration Item:Lesser Valorous Hauberk of Prowess
Cloak  Lesser Valorous Cloak of Fate  Lesser Valorous Cloak of Finesse Item:Lesser Valorous Cloak of Penetration  Lesser Valorous Cloak of Prowess
Feet  Lesser Valorous Boots of Fate  Lesser Valorous Boots of Finesse  Lesser Valorous Boots of Penetration  Lesser Valorous Boots of Prowess
Gloves  Lesser Valorous Gauntlets of Fate  Lesser Valorous Gauntlets of Finesse  Lesser Valorous Gauntlets of Penetration  Lesser Valorous Gauntlets of Prowess
Head  Lesser Valorous Helm of Fate  Lesser Valorous Helm of Finesse  Lesser Valorous Helm of Penetration  Lesser Valorous Helm of Prowess
Legs  Lesser Valorous Leggings of Fate Item:Lesser Valorous Leggings of Finesse Item:Lesser Valorous Leggings of Penetration Item:Lesser Valorous Leggings of Prowess
Shoulder Item:Lesser Valorous Shoulder Guards of Fate  Lesser Valorous Shoulder Guards of Finesse  Lesser Valorous Shoulder Guards of Penetration Item:Lesser Valorous Shoulder Guards of Prowess

Fate Finesse Morale Penetration Power Prowess Tactics
Ear  Lesser Valorous Earring of Fate  Lesser Valorous Earring of Finesse Item:Lesser Valorous Earring of Morale  Lesser Valorous Earring of Penetration  Lesser Valorous Earring of Power  Lesser Valorous Earring of Prowess  Lesser Valorous Earring of Tactics
Finger  Lesser Valorous Ring of Fate  Lesser Valorous Ring of Finesse  Lesser Valorous Ring of Morale  Lesser Valorous Ring of Penetration  Lesser Valorous Ring of Power  Lesser Valorous Ring of Prowess  Lesser Valorous Ring of Tactics
Neck  Lesser Valorous Necklace of Fate Item:Lesser Valorous Necklace of Finesse Item:Lesser Valorous Necklace of Morale  Lesser Valorous Necklace of Penetration  Lesser Valorous Necklace of Power Item:Lesser Valorous Necklace of Prowess  Lesser Valorous Necklace of Tactics
Pocket  Lesser Valorous Bauble of Fate Item:Lesser Valorous Bauble of Finesse  Lesser Valorous Bauble of Morale  Lesser Valorous Bauble of Penetration Item:Lesser Valorous Bauble of Power  Lesser Valorous Bauble of Prowess  Lesser Valorous Bauble of Tactics
Wrist Item:Lesser Valorous Bracelet of Fate  Lesser Valorous Bracelet of Finesse  Lesser Valorous Bracelet of Morale Item:Lesser Valorous Bracelet of Penetration  Lesser Valorous Bracelet of Power Item:Lesser Valorous Bracelet of Prowess Item:Lesser Valorous Bracelet of Tactics

Fate Finesse Penetration Prowess
Axe  Lesser Valorous Axe of Fate  Lesser Valorous Axe of Finesse  Lesser Valorous Axe of Penetration Item:Lesser Valorous Axe of Prowess
Bow  Lesser Valorous Bow of Fate  Lesser Valorous Bow of Finesse  Lesser Valorous Bow of Penetration  Lesser Valorous Bow of Prowess
Club Item:Lesser Valorous Club of Fate  Lesser Valorous Club of Finesse  Lesser Valorous Club of Penetration Item:Lesser Valorous Club of Prowess
Crossbow Item:Lesser Valorous Crossbow of Fate Item:Lesser Valorous Crossbow of Finesse  Lesser Valorous Crossbow of Penetration Item:Lesser Valorous Crossbow of Prowess
Dagger Item:Lesser vDagger of Fate  Lesser Valorous Dagger of Finesse  Lesser Valorous Dagger of Penetration Item:Lesser Valorous Dagger of Prowess
Hammer Item:Lesser Valorous Hammer of Fate  Lesser Valorous Hammer of Finesse Item:Lesser Valorous Hammer of Penetration  Lesser Valorous Hammer of Prowess
Mace  Lesser Valorous Mace of Fate Item:Lesser Valorous Mace of Finesse Item:Lesser Valorous Mace of Penetration Item:Lesser Valorous Mace of Prowess
Sword  Lesser Valorous Sword of Fate Item:Lesser Valorous Sword of Finesse Item:Lesser Valorous Sword of Penetration Item:Lesser Valorous Sword of Prowess


Dextrous (Agility/Vitality)

Fate Finesse Penetration Prowess
Chest   Potent Dextrous Jacket of Fate   Potent Dextrous Jacket of Finesse   Potent Dextrous Jacket of Penetration   Potent Dextrous Jacket of Prowess
Cloak   Potent Dextrous Cloak of Fate   Potent Dextrous Cloak of Finesse   Potent Dextrous Cloak of Penetration   Potent Dextrous Cloak of Prowess
Feet   Potent Dextrous Boots of Fate   Potent Dextrous Boots of Finesse   Potent Dextrous Boots of Penetration   Potent Dextrous Boots of Prowess
Gloves   Potent Dextrous Gloves of Fate   Potent Dextrous Gloves of Finesse   Potent Dextrous Gloves of Penetration   Potent Dextrous Gloves of Prowess
Head   Potent Dextrous Helmet of Fate   Potent Dextrous Helmet of Finesse   Potent Dextrous Helmet of Penetration   Potent Dextrous Helmet of Prowess
Legs   Potent Dextrous Leggings of Fate   Potent Dextrous Leggings of Finesse   Potent Dextrous Leggings of Penetration   Potent Dextrous Leggings of Prowess
Shoulder   Potent Dextrous Shoulderpads of Fate   Potent Dextrous Shoulderpads of Finesse   Potent Dextrous Shoulderpads of Penetration   Potent Dextrous Shoulderpads of Prowess
Warden's Shield Item:Potent Dextrous Warden's Shield of Fate Item:Potent Dextrous Warden's Shield of Finesse Item:Potent Dextrous Warden's Shield of Penetration   Potent Dextrous Warden's Shield of Prowess

Fate Finesse Penetration Prowess
Ear   Potent Dextrous Earring of Fate   Potent Dextrous Earring of Finesse   Potent Dextrous Earring of Penetration   Potent Dextrous Earring of Prowess
Finger   Potent Dextrous Ring of Fate   Potent Dextrous Ring of Finesse   Potent Dextrous Ring of Penetration   Potent Dextrous Ring of Prowess
Neck   Potent Dextrous Necklace of Fate   Potent Dextrous Necklace of Finesse   Potent Dextrous Necklace of Penetration   Potent Dextrous Necklace of Prowess
Pocket Item:Potent Dextrous Pocket of Fate   Potent Dextrous Pocket of Finesse   Potent Dextrous Pocket of Penetration Item:Potent Dextrous Pocket of Prowess
Pocket   Potent Dextrous Bauble of Fate   Potent Dextrous Bauble of Finesse   Potent Dextrous Bauble of Penetration   Potent Dextrous Bauble of Prowess
Wrist   Potent Dextrous Bracelet of Fate   Potent Dextrous Bracelet of Finesse   Potent Dextrous Bracelet of Penetration   Potent Dextrous Bracelet of Prowess

Fate Finesse Penetration Prowess
Axe   Potent Dextrous Axe of Fate   Potent Dextrous Axe of Finesse   Potent Dextrous Axe of Penetration   Potent Dextrous Axe of Prowess
Club   Potent Dextrous Club of Fate   Potent Dextrous Club of Finesse   Potent Dextrous Club of Penetration   Potent Dextrous Club of Prowess
Dagger   Potent Dextrous Dagger of Fate   Potent Dextrous Dagger of Finesse   Potent Dextrous Dagger of Penetration   Potent Dextrous Dagger of Prowess
Hammer   Potent Dextrous Hammer of Fate   Potent Dextrous Hammer of Finesse   Potent Dextrous Hammer of Penetration   Potent Dextrous Hammer of Prowess
Mace   Potent Dextrous Mace of Fate   Potent Dextrous Mace of Finesse   Potent Dextrous Mace of Penetration   Potent Dextrous Mace of Prowess
Sword   Potent Dextrous Sword of Fate   Potent Dextrous Sword of Finesse   Potent Dextrous Sword of Penetration   Potent Dextrous Sword of Prowess

Enduring (Vitality/Might)

Blocking Evasion Fate Parrying Perseverance Protection
Chest   Potent Enduring Breastplate of Evasion   Potent Enduring Breastplate of Parrying   Potent Enduring Breastplate of Perseverance   Potent Enduring Breastplate of Protection
Cloak   Potent Enduring Cloak of Evasion   Potent Enduring Cloak of Parrying   Potent Enduring Cloak of Perseverance   Potent Enduring Cloak of Protection
Feet   Potent Enduring Boots of Evasion Item:Potent Enduring Boots of Parrying   Potent Enduring Boots of Perseverance   Potent Enduring Boots of Protection
Gloves   Potent Enduring Gauntlets of Evasion   Potent Enduring Gauntlets of Parrying Item:Potent Enduring Gauntlets of Perseverance   Potent Enduring Gauntlets of Protection
Head   Potent Enduring Helm of Evasion   Potent Enduring Helm of Parrying   Potent Enduring Helm of Perseverance   Potent Enduring Helm of Protection
Legs   Potent Enduring Leggings of Evasion Item:Potent Enduring Leggings of Parrying   Potent Enduring Leggings of Perseverance Item:Potent Enduring Leggings of Protection
Shoulder   Potent Enduring Shoulderguards of Evasion   Potent Enduring Shoulderguards of Parrying Item:Potent Enduring Shoulderguards of Perseverance Item:Potent Enduring Shoulderguards of Protection
Heavy Shield   Potent Enduring Heavy Shield of Blocking   Potent Enduring Heavy Shield of Evasion   Potent Enduring Heavy Shield of Fate Item:Potent Enduring Heavy Shield of Parrying
Shield   Potent Enduring Shield of Blocking   Potent Enduring Shield of Evasion Item:Potent Enduring Shield of Fate   Potent Enduring Shield of Parrying

Blocking Evasion Fate Parrying Protection
Ear   Potent Enduring Earring of Blocking Item:Potent Enduring Earring of Evasion   Potent Enduring Earring of Fate Item:Potent Enduring Earring of Parrying Item:Potent Enduring Earring of Protection
Finger Item:Potent Enduring Ring of Blocking Item:Potent Enduring Ring of Evasion Item:Potent Enduring Ring of Fate Item:Potent Enduring Ring of Parrying Item:Potent Enduring Ring of Protection
Neck Item:Potent Enduring Necklace of Blocking Item:Potent Enduring Necklace of Evasion Item:Potent Enduring Necklace of Fate Item:Potent Enduring Necklace of Parrying Item:Potent Enduring Necklace of Protection
Pocket ??? Item:Potent Enduring Pocket of Blocking Item:Potent Enduring Pocket of Evasion Item:Potent Enduring Pocket of Fate Item:Potent Enduring Pocket of Parrying Item:Potent Enduring Pocket of Protection
Pocket ??? Item:Potent Enduring Bauble of Blocking Item:Potent Enduring Bauble of Evasion Item:Potent Enduring Bauble of Fate Item:Potent Enduring Bauble of Parrying Item:Potent Enduring Bauble of Protection
Wrist Item:Potent Enduring Bracelet of Blocking Item:Potent Enduring Bracelet of Evasion Item:Potent Enduring Bracelet of Fate   Potent Enduring Bracelet of Parrying Item:Potent Enduring Bracelet of Protection

Blocking Evasion Fate Parrying Protection
Axe Item:Potent Enduring Axe of Blocking Item:Potent Enduring Axe of Evasion Item:Potent Enduring Axe of Fate   Potent Enduring Axe of Parrying Item:Potent Enduring Axe of Protection
Bow Item:Potent Enduring Bow of Blocking Item:Potent Enduring Bow of Evasion   Potent Enduring Bow of Fate   Potent Enduring Bow of Parrying   Potent Enduring Bow of Protection
Club Item:Potent Enduring Club of Blocking   Potent Enduring Club of Evasion   Potent Enduring Club of Fate Item:Potent Enduring Club of Parrying Item:Potent Enduring Club of Protection
Crossbow Item:Potent Enduring Crossbow of Blocking   Potent Enduring Crossbow of Evasion   Potent Enduring Crossbow of Fate   Potent Enduring Crossbow of Parrying Item:Potent Enduring Crossbow of Protection
Hammer Item:Potent Enduring Hammer of Blocking Item:Potent Enduring Hammer of Evasion   Potent Enduring Hammer of Fate   Potent Enduring Hammer of Parrying Item:Potent Enduring Hammer of Protection
Mace Item:Potent Enduring Mace of Blocking Item:Potent Enduring Mace of Evasion   Potent Enduring Mace of Fate   Potent Enduring Mace of Parrying Item:Potent Enduring Mace of Protection
Sword Item:Potent Enduring Sword of Blocking Item:Potent Enduring Sword of Evasion Item:Potent Enduring Sword of Fate Item:Potent Enduring Sword of Parrying Item:Potent Enduring Sword of Protection

Resolute (Will/Vitality)

Fate Finesse Penetration Tactics
Chest   Potent Resolute Robe of Fate   Potent Resolute Robe of Finesse Item:Potent Resolute Robe of Penetration   Potent Resolute Robe of Tactics
Cloak Item:Potent Resolute Cloak of Fate   Potent Resolute Cloak of Finesse Item:Potent Resolute Cloak of Penetration Item:Potent Resolute Cloak of Tactics
Feet Item:Potent Resolute Boots of Fate Item:Potent Resolute Boots of Finesse Item:Potent Resolute Boots of Penetration Item:Potent Resolute Boots of Tactics
Gloves Item:Potent Resolute Gloves of Fate   Potent Resolute Gloves of Finesse Item:Potent Resolute Gloves of Penetration Item:Potent Resolute Gloves of Tactics
Head   Potent Resolute Hat of Fate   Potent Resolute Hat of Finesse   Potent Resolute Hat of Penetration   Potent Resolute Hat of Tactics
Legs   Potent Resolute Leggings of Fate   Potent Resolute Leggings of Finesse Item:Potent Resolute Leggings of Penetration Item:Potent Resolute Leggings of Tactics
Shoulder Item:Potent Resolute Shoulderpads of Fate   Potent Resolute Shoulderpads of Finesse Item:Potent Resolute Shoulderpads of Penetration Item:Potent Resolute Shoulderpads of Tactics
Shield   Potent Resolute Shield of Fate   Potent Resolute Shield of Finesse   Potent Resolute Shield of Penetration   Potent Resolute Shield of Tactics

Fate Finesse Penetration Tactics
Ear Item:Potent Resolute Earring of Fate Item:Potent Resolute Earring of Finesse Item:Potent Resolute Earring of Penetration Item:Potent Resolute Earring of Tactics
Finger   Potent Resolute Ring of Fate   Potent Resolute Ring of Finesse Item:Potent Resolute Ring of Penetration Item:Potent Resolute Ring of Tactics
Neck Item:Potent Resolute Necklace of Fate Item:Potent Resolute Necklace of Finesse Item:Potent Resolute Necklace of Penetration Item:Potent Resolute Necklace of Tactics
Pocket   Potent Resolute Bauble of Fate Item:Potent Resolute Pocket of Finesse Item:Potent Resolute Pocket of Penetration   Potent Resolute Pocket of Tactics
Wrist Item:Potent Resolute Bracelet of Fate Item:Potent Resolute Bracelet of Finesse   Potent Resolute Bracelet of Penetration Item:Potent Resolute Bracelet of Tactics

Steadfast (Vitality/Agility and Vitality/Might)

Blocking Evasion Parrying Perseverance Protection
Chest N/A Item:Potent Steadfast Jacket of Evasion Item:Potent Steadfast Jacket of Parrying Item:Potent Steadfast Jacket of Perseverance Item:Potent Steadfast Jacket of Protection
Cloak N/A Item:Potent Steadfast Cloak of Evasion Item:Potent Steadfast Cloak of Parrying Item:Potent Steadfast Cloak of Perseverance Item:Potent Steadfast Cloak of Protection
Feet N/A Item:Potent Steadfast Boots of Evasion Item:Potent Steadfast Boots of Parrying Item:Potent Steadfast Boots of Perseverance Item:Potent Steadfast Boots of Protection
Gloves N/A   Potent Steadfast Gloves of Evasion Item:Potent Steadfast Gloves of Parrying Item:Potent Steadfast Gloves of Perseverance Item:Potent Steadfast Gloves of Protection
Head N/A   Potent Steadfast Helmet of Evasion   Potent Steadfast Helmet of Parrying   Potent Steadfast Helmet of Perseverance   Potent Steadfast Helmet of Protection
Legs N/A   Potent Steadfast Leggings of Evasion Item:Potent Steadfast Leggings of Parrying Item:Potent Steadfast Leggings of Perseverance Item:Potent Steadfast Leggings of Protection
Shoulder N/A Item:Potent Steadfast Shoulderpads of Evasion   Potent Steadfast Shoulderpads of Parrying   Potent Steadfast Shoulderpads of Perseverance   Potent Steadfast Shoulderpads of Protection
Warden's Shield   Potent Steadfast Warden's Shield of Blocking Item:Potent Steadfast Warden's Shield of Evasion   Potent Steadfast Warden's Shield of Parrying Item:Potent Steadfast Warden's Shield of Perseverance Item:Potent Steadfast Warden's Shield of Protection

Blocking Evasion Fate Parrying Protection
Ear Item:Potent Steadfast Earring of Blocking Item:Potent Steadfast Earring of Evasion Item:Potent Steadfast Earring of Fate Item:Potent Steadfast Earring of Parrying Item:Potent Steadfast Earring of Protection
Finger Item:Potent Steadfast Ring of Blocking Item:Potent Steadfast Ring of Evasion   Potent Steadfast Ring of Fate   Potent Steadfast Ring of Parrying   Potent Steadfast Ring of Protection
Neck   Potent Steadfast Necklace of Fate
Pocket   Potent Steadfast Bauble of Blocking   Potent Steadfast Bauble of Evasion   Potent Steadfast Bauble of Fate   Potent Steadfast Bauble of Parrying   Potent Steadfast Bauble of Protection
Wrist Item:Potent Steadfast Bracelet of Blocking Item:Potent Steadfast Bracelet of Evasion Item:Potent Steadfast Bracelet of Fate Item:Potent Steadfast Bracelet of Parrying Item:Potent Steadfast Bracelet of Protection

Valorous (Might/Vitality)

Fate Finesse Penetration Prowess
Chest   Potent Valorous Breastplate of Fate   Potent Valorous Breastplate of Finesse   Potent Valorous Breastplate of Penetration   Potent Valorous Breastplate of Prowess
Cloak   Potent Valorous Cloak of Fate Item:Potent Valourous Cloak of Finesse Item:Potent Valourous Cloak of Penetration Item:Potent Valourous Cloak of Prowess
Feet   Potent Valorous Boots of Fate Item:Potent Valourous Boots of Finesse   Potent Valorous Boots of Penetration   Potent Valorous Boots of Prowess
Gloves Item:Potent Valourous Gauntlets of Fate   Potent Valorous Gauntlets of Finesse Item:Potent Valourous Gauntlets of Penetration Item:Potent Valourous Gauntlets of Prowess
Head   Potent Valorous Helm of Fate   Potent Valorous Helm of Finesse   Potent Valorous Helm of Penetration   Potent Valorous Helm of Prowess
Legs Item:Potent Valourous Leggings of Fate Item:Potent Valourous Leggings of Finesse Item:Potent Valourous Leggings of Penetration   Potent Valorous Leggings of Prowess
Shoulder Item:Potent Valourous Shoulderguards of Fate   Potent Valorous Shoulderguards of Finesse Item:Potent Valourous Shoulderguards of Penetration Item:Potent Valourous Shoulderguards of Prowess
Heavy Shield ??? Item:Potent Valourous Heavy Shield of Fate Item:Potent Valourous Heavy Shield of Finesse Item:Potent Valourous Heavy Shield of Penetration Item:Potent Valourous Heavy Shield of Prowess

Fate Finesse Penetration Prowess Tactics
Ear   Potent Valorous Earring of Fate Item:Potent Valourous Earring of Finesse Item:Potent Valorous Earring of Penetration   Potent Valorous Earring of Prowess Item:Potent Valourous Earring of Tactics
Finger   Potent Valorous Ring of Fate   Potent Valorous Ring of Finesse   Potent Valorous Ring of Penetration   Potent Valorous Ring of Prowess Item:Potent Valourous Ring of Tactics
Neck   Potent Valorous Necklace of Fate   Potent Valorous Necklace of Finesse   Potent Valorous Necklace of Penetration   Potent Valorous Necklace of Prowess   Potent Valorous Necklace of Tactics
Pocket ??? Item:Potent Valourous Pocket of Fate   Potent Valourous Pocket of Finesse Item:Potent Valourous Pocket of Penetration Item:Potent Valourous Pocket of Prowess Item:Potent Valourous Pocket of Tactics
Pocket ??? Item:Potent Valourous Bauble of Fate Item:Potent Valourous Bauble of Finesse   Potent Valorous Bauble of Penetration Item:Potent Valourous Bauble of Prowess Item:Potent Valourous Bauble of Tactics
Wrist Item:Potent Valourous Bracelet of Fate   Potent Valorous Bracelet of Finesse   Potent Valorous Bracelet of Penetration   Potent Valorous Bracelet of Prowess   Potent Valorous Bracelet of Tactics

Fate Finesse Penetration Prowess
Axe Item:Potent Valourous Axe of Fate Item:Potent Valourous Axe of Finesse Item:Potent Valourous Axe of Penetration Item:Potent Valourous Axe of Prowess
Bow   Potent Valorous Bow of Fate   Potent Valorous Bow of Finesse   Potent Valorous Bow of Penetration   Potent Valorous Bow of Prowess
Club Item:Potent Valourous Club of Fate Item:Potent Valourous Club of Finesse   Potent Valorous Club of Penetration Item:Potent Valourous Club of Prowess
Crossbow   Potent Valorous Crossbow of Fate Item:Potent Valourous Crossbow of Finesse Item:Potent Valourous Crossbow of Penetration Item:Potent Valourous Crossbow of Prowess
Hammer   Potent Valorous Hammer of Fate   Potent Valorous Hammer of Finesse Item:Potent Valourous Hammer of Penetration Item:Potent Valourous Hammer of Prowess
Mace Item:Potent Valourous Mace of Fate Item:Potent Valourous Mace of Finesse Item:Potent Valourous Mace of Penetration Item:Potent Valourous Mace of Prowess
Sword Item:Potent Valourous Sword of Fate Item:Potent Valourous Sword of Finesse Item:Potent Valourous Sword of Penetration Item:Potent Valourous Sword of Prowess


Dextrous (Agility/Vitality)

Slot Fate Finesse Penetration Prowess
Chest  Greater Dextrous Jacket of Fate  Greater Dextrous Jacket of Finesse  Greater Dextrous Jacket of Penetration  Greater Dextrous Jacket of Prowess
Cloak Item:Greater Dextrous Cloak of Fate  Greater Dextrous Cloak of Finesse Item:Greater Dextrous Cloak of Penetration  Greater Dextrous Cloak of Prowess
Feet  Greater Dextrous Boots of Fate  Greater Dextrous Boots of Finesse Item:Greater Dextrous Boots of Penetration Item:Greater Dextrous Boots of Prowess
Gloves  Greater Dextrous Gloves of Fate Item:Greater Dextrous Gloves of Finesse Item:Greater Dextrous Gloves of Penetration Item:Greater Dextrous Gloves of Prowess
Head  Greater Dextrous Helmet of Fate  Greater Dextrous Helmet of Finesse  Greater Dextrous Helmet of Penetration  Greater Dextrous Helmet of Prowess
Legs Item:Greater Dextrous Leggings of Fate  Greater Dextrous Leggings of Finesse  Greater Dextrous Leggings of Penetration Item:Greater Dextrous Leggings of Prowess
Shoulder Item:Greater Dextrous Shoulderpads of Fate Item:Greater Dextrous Shoulderpads of Finesse  Greater Dextrous Shoulderpads of Penetration Item:Greater Dextrous Shoulderpads of Prowess
Warden's Shield  Greater Dextrous Warden's Shield of Fate  Greater Dextrous Warden's Shield of Finesse  Greater Dextrous Warden's Shield of Penetration Item:Greater Dextrous Warden's Shield of Prowess

Fate Finesse Penetration Prowess
Ear  Greater Dextrous Earring of Fate Item:Greater Dextrous Earring of Finesse  Greater Dextrous Earring of Penetration Item:Greater Dextrous Earring of Prowess
Finger  Greater Dextrous Ring of Fate  Greater Dextrous Ring of Finesse Item:Greater Dextrous Ring of Penetration Item:Greater Dextrous Ring of Prowess
Neck  Greater Dextrous Necklace of Fate Item:Greater Dextrous Necklace of Finesse  Greater Dextrous Necklace of Penetration Item:Greater Dextrous Necklace of Prowess
Pocket Item:Greater Dextrous Bauble of Fate  Greater Dextrous Bauble of Finesse Item:Greater Dextrous Bauble of Penetration  Greater Dextrous Bauble of Prowess
Wrist  Greater Dextrous Bracelet of Fate Item:Greater Dextrous Bracelet of Finesse  Greater Dextrous Bracelet of Penetration  Greater Dextrous Bracelet of Prowess

Fate Finesse Penetration Prowess
Axe  Greater Dextrous Axe of Fate Item:Greater Dextrous Axe of Finesse Item:Greater Dextrous Axe of Penetration  Greater Dextrous Axe of Prowess
Club Item:Greater Dextrous Club of Fate Item:Greater Dextrous Club of Finesse  Greater Dextrous Club of Penetration  Greater Dextrous Club of Prowess
Dagger  Greater Dextrous Dagger of Fate  Greater Dextrous Dagger of Finesse  Greater Dextrous Dagger of Penetration Item:Greater Dextrous Dagger of Prowess
Hammer Item:Greater Dextrous Hammer of Fate  Greater Dextrous Hammer of Finesse  Greater Dextrous Hammer of Penetration Item:Greater Dextrous Hammer of Prowess
Mace Item:Greater Dextrous Mace of Fate  Greater Dextrous Mace of Finesse  Greater Dextrous Mace of Penetration Item:Greater Dextrous Mace of Prowess
Sword  Greater Dextrous Sword of Fate Item:Greater Dextrous Sword of Finesse Item:Greater Dextrous Sword of Penetration  Greater Dextrous Sword of Prowess

Enduring (Vitality/Might)

Blocking Evasion Fate Parrying Protection
Chest  Greater Enduring Breastplate of Evasion Item:Greater Enduring Breastplate of Fate Item:Greater Enduring Breastplate of Parrying Item:Greater Enduring Breastplate of Protection
Cloak Item:Greater Enduring Cloak of Evasion  Greater Enduring Cloak of Fate Item:Greater Enduring Cloak of Parrying Item:Greater Enduring Cloak of Protection
Feet  Greater Enduring Boots of Evasion Item:Greater Enduring Boots of Fate Item:Greater Enduring Boots of Parrying Item:Greater Enduring Boots of Protection
Gloves Item:Greater Enduring Gauntlets of Evasion Item:Greater Enduring Gauntlets of Fate Item:Greater Enduring Gauntlets of Parrying  Greater Enduring Gauntlets of Protection
Head  Greater Enduring Helm of Evasion  Greater Enduring Helm of Fate  Greater Enduring Helm of Parrying  Greater Enduring Helm of Protection
Legs Item:Greater Enduring Leggings of Evasion Item:Greater Enduring Leggings of Fate  Greater Enduring Leggings of Parrying Item:Greater Enduring Leggings of Protection
Shoulder Item:Greater Enduring Shoulderguards of Evasion Item:Greater Enduring Shoulderguards of Fate  Greater Enduring Shoulderguards of Parrying Item:Greater Enduring Shoulderguards of Protection
Heavy Shield Item:Greater Enduring Heavy Shield of Blocking  Greater Enduring Heavy Shield of Evasion  Greater Enduring Heavy Shield of Fate  Greater Enduring Heavy Shield of Parrying
Shield Item:Greater Enduring Shield of Blocking  Greater Enduring Shield of Evasion  Greater Enduring Shield of Fate  Greater Enduring Shield of Parrying

Blocking Evasion Fate Parrying Protection
Ear  Greater Enduring Earring of Blocking Item:Greater Enduring Earring of Evasion Item:Greater Enduring Earring of Fate Item:Greater Enduring Earring of Parrying Item:Greater Enduring Earring of Protection
Finger Item:Greater Enduring Ring of Blocking Item:Greater Enduring Ring of Evasion Item:Greater Enduring Ring of Fate Item:Greater Enduring Ring of Parrying Item:Greater Enduring Ring of Protection
Neck Item:Greater Enduring Necklace of Blocking Item:Greater Enduring Necklace of Evasion Item:Greater Enduring Necklace of Fate Item:Greater Enduring Necklace of Parrying Item:Greater Enduring Necklace of Protection
Pocket Item:Greater Enduring Bauble of Blocking Item:Greater Enduring Bauble of Evasion Item:Greater Enduring Bauble of Fate Item:Greater Enduring Bauble of Parrying Item:Greater Enduring Bauble of Protection
Wrist  Greater Enduring Bracelet of Blocking Item:Greater Enduring Bracelet of Evasion Item:Greater Enduring Bracelet of Fate Item:Greater Enduring Bracelet of Parrying Item:Greater Enduring Bracelet of Protection

Blocking Evasion Fate Parrying Protection
Axe Item:Greater Enduring Axe of Blocking Item:Greater Enduring Axe of Evasion Item:Greater Enduring Axe of Fate  Greater Enduring Axe of Parrying Item:Greater Enduring Axe of Protection
Bow Item:Greater Enduring Bow of Blocking Item:Greater Enduring Bow of Evasion Item:Greater Enduring Bow of Fate Item:Greater Enduring Bow of Parrying Item:Greater Enduring Bow of Protection
Club Item:Greater Enduring Club of Blocking Item:Greater Enduring Club of Evasion  Greater Enduring Club of Fate  Greater Enduring Club of Parrying Item:Greater Enduring Club of Protection
Crossbow Item:Greater Enduring Crossbow of Blocking  Greater Enduring Crossbow of Evasion Item:Greater Enduring Crossbow of Fate Item:Greater Enduring Crossbow of Parrying Item:Greater Enduring Crossbow of Protection
Hammer Item:Greater Enduring Hammer of Blocking  Greater Enduring Hammer of Evasion Item:Greater Enduring Hammer of Fate Item:Greater Enduring Hammer of Parrying Item:Greater Enduring Hammer of Protection
Mace Item:Greater Enduring Mace of Blocking  Greater Enduring Mace of Evasion Item:Greater Enduring Mace of Fate Item:Greater Enduring Mace of Parrying Item:Greater Enduring Mace of Protection
Sword Item:Greater Enduring Sword of Blocking Item:Greater Enduring Sword of Evasion Item:Greater Enduring Sword of Fate Item:Greater Enduring Sword of Parrying  Greater Enduring Sword of Protection

Resolute (Will/Vitality)

Fate Finesse Penetration Tactics
Chest Item:Greater Resolute Robe of Fate  Greater Resolute Robe of Finesse Item:Greater Resolute Robe of Penetration  Greater Resolute Robe of Tactics
Cloak  Greater Resolute Cloak of Fate  Greater Resolute Cloak of Finesse Item:Greater Resolute Cloak of Penetration  Greater Resolute Cloak of Tactics
Feet Item:Greater Resolute Boots of Fate  Greater Resolute Boots of Finesse  Greater Resolute Boots of Penetration Item:Greater Resolute Boots of Tactics
Gloves  Greater Resolute Gloves of Fate Item:Greater Resolute Gloves of Finesse  Greater Resolute Gloves of Penetration  Greater Resolute Gloves of Tactics
Head  Greater Resolute Hat of Fate  Greater Resolute Hat of Finesse  Greater Resolute Hat of Penetration  Greater Resolute Hat of Tactics
Legs  Greater Resolute Leggings of Fate  Greater Resolute Leggings of Finesse  Greater Resolute Leggings of Penetration Item:Greater Resolute Leggings of Tactics
Shoulder  Greater Resolute Shoulderpads of Fate  Greater Resolute Shoulderpads of Finesse  Greater Resolute Shoulderpads of Penetration Item:Greater Resolute Shoulderpads of Tactics
Shield  Greater Resolute Shield of Fate  Greater Resolute Shield of Finesse  Greater Resolute Shield of Penetration  Greater Resolute Shield of Tactics

Fate Finesse Penetration Tactics
Ear  Greater Resolute Earring of Fate  Greater Resolute Earring of Finesse  Greater Resolute Earring of Penetration Item:Greater Resolute Earring of Tactics
Finger  Greater Resolute Ring of Fate Item:Greater Resolute Ring of Finesse  Greater Resolute Ring of Penetration  Greater Resolute Ring of Tactics
Neck  Greater Resolute Necklace of Fate Item:Greater Resolute Necklace of Finesse  Greater Resolute Necklace of Penetration  Greater Resolute Necklace of Tactics
Pocket  Greater Resolute Bauble of Fate  Greater Resolute Bauble of Finesse  Greater Resolute Bauble of Penetration Item:Greater Resolute Bauble of Tactics
Wrist  Greater Resolute Bracelet of Fate  Greater Resolute Bracelet of Finesse Item:Greater Resolute Bracelet of Penetration  Greater Resolute Bracelet of Tactics

Steadfast (Vitality/Agility and Vitality/Might)

Blocking Evasion Fate Parrying Protection
Chest  Greater Steadfast Jacket of Evasion Item:Greater Steadfast Jacket of Fate Item:Greater Steadfast Jacket of Parrying Item:Greater Steadfast Jacket of Protection
Cloak Item:Greater Steadfast Cloak of Evasion Item:Greater Steadfast Cloak of Fate Item:Greater Steadfast Cloak of Parrying  Greater Steadfast Cloak of Protection
Feet Item:Greater Steadfast Boots of Evasion Item:Greater Steadfast Boots of Fate Item:Greater Steadfast Boots of Parrying  Greater Steadfast Boots of Protection
Gloves Item:Greater Steadfast Gloves of Evasion Item:Greater Steadfast Gloves of Fate  Greater Steadfast Gloves of Parrying Item:Greater Steadfast Gloves of Protection
Head  Greater Steadfast Helmet of Evasion  Greater Steadfast Helmet of Fate  Greater Steadfast Helmet of Parrying  Greater Steadfast Helmet of Protection
Legs Item:Greater Steadfast Leggings of Evasion  Greater Steadfast Leggings of Fate Item:Greater Steadfast Leggings of Parrying Item:Greater Steadfast Leggings of Protection
Shoulder Item:Greater Steadfast Shoulderpads of Evasion Item:Greater Steadfast Shoulderpads of Fate  Greater Steadfast Shoulderpads of Parrying Item:Greater Steadfast Shoulderpads of Protection
Warden's Shield Item:Greater Steadfast Warden's Shield of Blocking  Greater Steadfast Warden's Shield of Evasion  Greater Steadfast Warden's Shield of Fate Item:Greater Steadfast Warden's Shield of Parrying

Blocking Evasion Fate Parrying Protection
Ear Item:Greater Steadfast Earring of Blocking  Greater Steadfast Earring of Evasion Item:Greater Steadfast Earring of Fate Item:Greater Steadfast Earring of Parrying Item:Greater Steadfast Earring of Protection
Finger  Greater Steadfast Ring of Blocking Item:Greater Steadfast Ring of Evasion  Greater Steadfast Ring of Fate Item:Greater Steadfast Ring of Parrying Item:Greater Steadfast Ring of Protection
Neck == Item Information ==

There are different versions of this item:

Item:Greater Steadfast Necklace of Blocking (Might) Item:Greater Steadfast Necklace of Blocking (Agility)

== Item Information ==

There are different versions of this item:

Item:Greater Steadfast Necklace of Evasion (Block Rating) Item:Greater Steadfast Necklace of Evasion (Maximum Power)

 Greater Steadfast Necklace of Fate  Greater Steadfast Necklace of Parrying == Item Information ==

There are different versions of this item:

Item:Greater Steadfast Necklace of Protection (Might) Item:Greater Steadfast Necklace of Protection (Agility)

Pocket Item:Greater Steadfast Bauble of Blocking Item:Greater Steadfast Bauble of Evasion Item:Greater Steadfast Bauble of Fate  Greater Steadfast Bauble of Parrying  Greater Steadfast Bauble of Protection
Wrist Item:Greater Steadfast Bracelet of Blocking Item:Greater Steadfast Bracelet of Evasion Item:Greater Steadfast Bracelet of Fate  Greater Steadfast Bracelet of Parrying Item:Greater Steadfast Bracelet of Protection

Valorous (Might/Vitality)

Fate Finesse Penetration Prowess
Chest Item:Greater Valorous Breastplate of Fate  Greater Valorous Breastplate of Finesse Item:Greater Valorous Breastplate of Penetration Item:Greater Valorous Breastplate of Prowess
Cloak Item:Greater Valorous Cloak of Fate  Greater Valorous Cloak of Finesse Item:Greater Valorous Cloak of Penetration Item:Greater Valorous Cloak of Prowess
Feet Item:Greater Valorous Boots of Fate  Greater Valorous Boots of Finesse  Greater Valorous Boots of Penetration Item:Greater Valorous Boots of Prowess
Gloves  Greater Valorous Gauntlets of Fate Item:Greater Valorous Gauntlets of Finesse Item:Greater Valorous Gauntlets of Penetration Item:Greater Valorous Gauntlets of Prowess
Head  Greater Valorous Helm of Fate  Greater Valorous Helm of Finesse  Greater Valorous Helm of Penetration  Greater Valorous Helm of Prowess
Legs Item:Greater Valorous Leggings of Fate Item:Greater Valorous Leggings of Finesse  Greater Valorous Leggings of Penetration Item:Greater Valorous Leggings of Prowess
Shoulder Item:Greater Valorous Shoulderguards of Fate Item:Greater Valorous Shoulderguards of Finesse  Greater Valorous Shoulderguards of Penetration Item:Greater Valorous Shoulderguards of Prowess
Heavy Shield Item:Greater Valorous Heavy Shield of Fate Item:Greater Valorous Heavy Shield of Finesse Item:Greater Valorous Heavy Shield of Penetration Item:Greater Valorous Heavy Shield of Prowess

Fate Finesse Penetration Prowess
Axe Item:Greater Valorous Axe of Fate Item:Greater Valorous Axe of Finesse  Greater Valorous Axe of Penetration  Greater Valorous Axe of Prowess
Bow  Greater Valorous Bow of Fate  Greater Valorous Bow of Finesse Item:Greater Valorous Bow of Penetration Item:Greater Valorous Bow of Prowess
Crossbow Item:Greater Valourous Crossbow of Fate  Greater Valorous Crossbow of Finesse Item:Greater Valourous Crossbow of Penetration Item:Greater Valourous Crossbow of Prowess
Dagger  Greater Valorous Dagger of Fate Item:Greater Valorous Dagger of Finesse Item:Greater Valorous Dagger of Penetration Item:Greater Valorous Dagger of Prowess
Hammer Item:Greater Valorous Hammer of Fate Item:Greater Valorous Hammer of Finesse  Greater Valorous Hammer of Penetration Item:Greater Valorous Hammer of Prowess
Mace Item:Greater Valorous Mace of Fate Item:Greater Valorous Mace of Finesse  Greater Valorous Mace of Penetration Item:Greater Valorous Mace of Prowess
Sword Item:Greater Valorous Sword of Fate  Greater Valorous Sword of Finesse Item:Greater Valorous Sword of Penetration Item:Greater Valorous Sword of Prowess