Sauron's Shroud

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Sauron's Shroud
  • The will of Sauron shrouds this creature from sight and makes it more observant of enemies.
  • +50% Perception Radius
Sauron's Shroud
  • +1 Stealth Level
    +50% Perception Radius

Effect Information

These effects are present on mobs inside Delving Missions, making them invisible. The mob will engage in combat while you're at larger range. As soon as they come out of stealth, the stealth effect will disappear.
This Malice will cause an increase of mob pulls because of their increased perception radius, so be aware of your surroundings to pull as less mobs as possible (especially in cases of patrols).

Quest Information

This effect is present on mobs during Delving Missions of tier 8 and higher, when  Variant 2 - Malice 8 is active.