This article is a Kinship information page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official LOTRO history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The kinships and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |

About Kinship
- Contact: Leader or officer, see below
- Contact Info: Please visit our website for futher contact details.
- Rank: Sanctuary is a Rank 10 kinship.
- Sanctuary Website
- Our History For the story of Sanctuary and its origins.
- Elendilmir Recruitment
- Laurelin Recruitment
Sanctuary only has members on Elendilmir and Laurelin. All other kinships with the same or similar names on other servers are unrelated, but flattering.
For the history and origins of Sanctuary as a kinship see below:
The origins of Sanctuary as a kinship are lost in the mists of time (and other on-line games). This incarnation of Sanctuary began back in November 2005 when our founder Aquilla decided he could wait no longer for a Middle Earth based on-line game to arrive. Like many of us he had been following LOTRO since it was known as MEO (Middle Earth On-line) and was yearning to set something in motion and gather like minded friends and allies together in preparation. So our website and forums were created and folk from all over the world began to congregate and discuss the impending arrival of LOTRO.
For some time we provided support for one another through the torment that was the wait for the game to arrive. Then finally the beta arrived and Sanctuary as a kinship was well represented on either side of the Atlantic, on both of the beta servers.
Our numbers continued to grow and by the time the game went live we were all well prepared for life in Middle Earth and we have been enjoying ourselves ever since.
Our EU chapter has consistently numbered around 100+ members, most of whom intend on staying with the game until their lifetime memberships run out.
Sanctuary as a kinship has a varied membership in almost every way. The emphasis is on casual, mature, fun for all, with an ample injection of silliness as and when required.
Age and maturity: We are a family friendly kinship, but the majority of our members are mature players and a few steps beyond that (with three generations of one family gracing our halls with their presence).
Nationality: Plenty of our number are based in the US and play on the Elendilmir server, but the EU chapter playing on Laurelin is the larger faction. We have friends from almost every corner of the world including the UK, France, Germany, Finland, Romania, Poland, Spain and Sweden to name but a few.
Game style (roleplay): We play on the English speaking roleplay server Laurelin and as such the roleplay of other players must be respected at all times and players characters must be named in accordance with the server naming policies. As a kinship though we are RP lite and do not enforce our members to take part in any roleplay.
Game style (raiding / end game): We have a large number of players that are heavily involved in the end game and we are part of a number of alliances that provide ample opportunity for raiding. However it is not required or expected. We have plenty of members that play regularly but don't intend reaching the end game for at least a few years, if ever.
Support and events: We do our best to support those with less advanced characters through the use of the many alternative characters that most of our members have ready at hand and willing to help one another. We also run regular events to aid members with their progress and game-play, to welcome new members and to encourage roleplay. Whether it be our Epic Book Club, a pub quiz at our tavern The Dancing Bear, a chicken rampage in the Shire or a spot of monster play in the Ettenmoors, there is always something else around the corner.
In summary we are a great kinship if you just want to enjoy the game with a great bunch of people. If you want to concentrate on one area of the game to the exclusion of all else (such as roleplay or raiding) then there are probably other kinships better suited to your needs.
Sanctuary on Laurelin
Kinship House
Address: 9 Chestnut Road, Bromburg, Bree-land.
A salute by the fire.
First of all, welcome!
Thank you for taking an interest in The Sanctuary.
Waiting List To preserve our friendly, family-oriented feel we may occasionally put a cap on our numbers and operate a waiting list system from time to time.
As a result if you are interested in joining you may have to go on our waiting list until we have places available. This may take some patience on your part as it may be a couple of weeks before a place is available.
If our waiting list is flagged as "Open" below, this means recruitment is faster and more direct for the time being.
*** There is currently no waiting list - Open ***
If you would like to be considered for recruitment please make a thread here and introduce yourself to us.
Generally speaking, the better we get to know you and the better you get to know us, the more likely we'll find out if you are right for the kinship and if the kinship is right for you. A good intro is a good way to start.
We have a Pledge that we take very seriously and which you should read and let us know whether you agree to abide by it. It is basically a personal code of conduct.
Another thing to note is that we play on the European Roleplay server Laurelin. This means we only accept people who are prepared to respect the RP rules of the server. In other words, character names should be lore-appropriate (we can help with that) and OOC talk should be limited to channels where OOC is allowed.
If we accept you as a Hopeful, you will be placed on our waiting list (if it is in operation). You'll have access to many forum areas and are encouraged to get to know us both here and in the game while you wait. When places become available we'll consider all the Hopefuls and offer places to those who have already become an essential part of the Sanctuary family.
By essential, we mean - Do we know you? Do we like you? Do you like us? Are you sociable and friendly? Do you keep to the Pledge? Do you join in on the forum chat? Do you join in in-game?
If you are essential by any of the above definitions and we have a place, we will be honoured to offer you membership :)
Events and Planning
Sanctuary runs several planned weekly events that are organised and managed through our forum intergrated calendar and raid planner. Events range from the casual RP right through to end game raids and big battles.
Have Alt Will Travel (HAWT)
Now that the level cap is all the way up to 95, new members and old alike will find it a much longer journey. To do this solo all the way is possible, but in many ways it is not desirable. For a start it is terribly lonely, it would be like Frodo setting off from Bag End alone, just him and the Ring.
To arrive at level cap without much experience of playing in a group also means that there are whole aspects to your class that you haven't delved into and that you will suddenly want to know about. And last but not least, there is a host of rich, challenging group content available at every level of the game and it should not be missed if you can help it.
We have quite a few new members, some of whom are still journeying to level cap with their main character.
Longer-term members have a smattering of alts at various stages too. We propose to enable and encourage far more pre-level-cap grouping within the kinship in order to help with that journey and forge closer ties between members.
All Sanctuary members from Hopefuls to old-timers are welcomed and encouraged to join in, whether it is to offer help or to receive help.
How we propose to do this is to run group content at least twice a week ranging from level-20 Great Barrow all the way up eventually to endgame raiding. This will include Epics, Skirmishes and Instances.
We will post a planner entry and thread for each run one week in advance to allow people time to prepare a level-appropriate character and complete any quest chains needed to gain access to the planned content.
If you are not V.I.P. do not fear! You will not be excluded. Content will be run according to who is taking part and what they have available. Specific requests can be included. For those of us who have access to everything, that will be run too.
Fair game includes (but is probably not an exhaustive list):
level 15-25: Book 1 Epic, Great Barrow, Breeland and Lonelands group quests and skirmishes
level 25-35: Book 2 Epic, Garth Agarwaen, Agamaur, Harloeg, North Downs
level 35-40: Book 3 Epic, Fornost pre-quests, Fornost instances, Dol Dinen, Evendim
level 40-45: Book 4 Epic, Halls of Night, West Angmar, Trollshaws, Annuminas
level 45-50: Book 5 and 6 Epics, Misty Mountains, East Angmar, Forochel, Bogbereth, Helegrod, Urugarth
level 50-55: Book 7-15 Epics, Carn Dum, Barad Gularan, Eregion, Tham Mirdain, Rift
level 55-60: Moria Epics, Moria Instances, Filikul, Vile Maw
level 60 onwards: Lothlorien, Mirkwood, Enedwaith, Dunland, Great River and so on :)
Any fellowship quests in all areas will be included according to interest. All suggestions and ideas are encouraged and welcomed. In short, we may run Fornost one week, and CD/Uru the next, then GA, then Moria to give as wide a scope as possible to everyone. We may develop a rotation eventually where you know the level range and planned content well in advance.
Our "Have Alt Will Travel" days are going to be Sunday afternoons and Wednesday evenings EU time. Invites will start at 12.00 midday GMT (08.00 servertime) Sundays and 19.00 GMT (15.00 servertime) Wednesdays with start time set 15 minutes later. The group leader will decide whether to wait for more people to join or organise an alternative activity if numbers aren't good for what is planned, or they may call it a bust if nothing is happening 30 minutes after invite time. We are keeping this quite tight to make sure people aren't standing around twiddling their thumbs and getting frustrated.
Monday Night Group Night
We have a long-standing tradition of doing kinship groups on a Monday night. This is the night when lots of us turn up all at the same time and it becomes possible to do group instances from 3-man to 24-man in size!
There is usually an event planned and posted on our calendar. Willing participants can sign up there and garuntee themselves a piece of the action(numbers dependant).
If you miss the sign up don't worry, if the event is not full then you can still join on the night or a second group can form up and carry on the fight against evil.
We don't restrict levels for this, although those of us with level 95s do want to get into the exciting level 95 stuff as often as possible. Any group content is acceptable at any level. There are officers and dedicated good folk who are perfectly willing to log alts to fit the job in hand. You could be one of those dedicated good folk too!
So, if you want to do some fun group stuff with kin, please turn up on Monday nights around 8pm UK time. Bring pots and scrolls and food, and be ready for anything. Work on your deeds during the week. If you want to run a particular instance, post in this thread or speak up on the night. Hope to see you there!
If you are a keen Roleplayer you will find like-minded others here, but you should also note that as an inclusive kinship we do have members who choose not to roleplay. OOC is allowed in our kinship chat, and in fellowship chat when OOC has been agreed.
Dressing Up Box
Sanctuary has, at its Kin house, an extensive collection of clothing from across Middle-earth. These items are for the use of all members (level permitting).
Sanctuary often run kinship events as well as get involved in other major server events. Horse races, swimming gala, treasure hunts and other events keep the kinship alive with roleplay and are a great way to meet other members whom you may have only heard in chat.
The Dancing Bear Tavern
Address: 8 Long Street, Fanwater, Bree-land.
If you are interested in Raiding you will also find members here who raid.
However you should note that we are NOT a raiding kinship. We are involved with one or two alliances, but this does not guarantee the opportunity to raid.
We run kinship raids occasionally, if and when we can get enough members involved all at the same time - which may not be as often as you might need or want. Our focus is having fun in all aspects of the game at all levels.
Please bear this in mind when deciding whether to apply to Sanctuary.
Friends of the West Raiding Alliance
Sanctuary is part of the Friends of the West Raiding Alliance and has use of the exclusive chat channel to help organize raids, instances and skirmishes.
Sanctuary has access to Ventrillo servers and also uses Team Speak to help organisation and coordination during rading, events and other kinship activities.
Sanctuary has a dedicated crafting and trade section. Members can trade, sell or swap items and as is more often the case, find free of charge materials, equipment or advice.
The members listed below, are at cap in their chosen profession and are willing to craft items for members.
Sanctuary Guild of Master Crafters
Cook : Fainulisse (Redemption), Jaedwyn, Mallendis
Jeweller : Roderick (AG), Linred (Redemption), Jaedwyn
Metalsmith : Bodin (AG), Gilithred (Redemption), Hreodoc
Scholar : Andred (Redemption), Hreodin, Emalniel, Dimzad
Tailor : Eothred (AG), Pibroch (Redemption), Laicien (Macilien), Hreowulf, Feanaur, Shiona, Eldaeriel
Weaponsmith : Bado, Galmir, Fealipse (Redemption), Macilien, Hreofec
Woodworker : Shria, Redwyn (Redemption), Ellorhil
Farmer : Redwyn (Redemption), Jaedora, Dimzad, Tinwen
Founder : Hithlinel
Leader : Hithlinel
Officer : Eothred, Bodin, Throkur or Roderick
Officer : Feanaur, Beladis, Thorbul, Feanaru or Findecano
Officer : Bado, Tinwen
Officer : Merenween, Nimkaladiel, Ethelowyn, Beriaer or Olfar
Officer : Bochari, Liokair, Corelthi, Konsin, Lorata, Tiluna, Bochi, Aurochin, Rinto, Nimya or Boendul
Officer : Gilithred, Fainulisse, Pibroch, Redden, Linred, Redwyn or Andred
Officer : Kirswise, Kirsdo, Kirsles, Kirswith, Kirsryn or Kirsowen
Officer : Aalffrandir, Aalffrond, Dagdral or Olbank
Officer : Jan, Jyn, or Jeyn
Officer : Hreofec, Hreodoc, Hreodin, Hreowulf or Hreodred
Officer : Morbi, Donoric, Morbial, Morji or Morbie
Officer : Galmir, Lalthorian
... or search under "Sanctuary" on the Who panel in-game and ask any member to put you in touch with an officer.
Member : ( Hedkeg )
Member : ( put your own info here )
You are also welcome to join our monster-play tribe The Asylum on a
similar trial basis. We tend to play our creeps in-character on our RP
night, Monday nights 7.30pm (server time) onwards at present.
MP Leaders
Leader : Vargr
MP Officers
Officer : Ruzrat
Officer : Shakred
Officer : Akred
Officer : Redfang
MP Members
Member : ( put your own info here )
Member : ( put your own info here )
Character Management System (CMS)
Sanctuary has a comprehensive character management system embedded into its website. All members are required to keep their characters up to date. This is very handy for working out who owns which characters and what their class, level and vocation is, etc. So it is well worth the effort of keeping up to date as you progress.
Misc Information
Cake! Do you like cake?
Please file your sanity in one of the containers provided by the entrance and if you have a preference colour wise for your padded cell or straight-jacket then please be sure to let us know.