Quest Talk:Idle Hands

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What's the prerequisites for this quest? It has something, and it's not level 105.

Here is what I have found to be necessary for the herbalist dailies to appear:

Mablung at HA has Retaking Torngroth - must do:

Thurindol N of Crossroads, Through the Gardens of Gondor - Mablung in after-battle Osgiliath sends you there
Anborn at HA, From Battle to War
Mablung at HA, The Last Refuge
Mablung at HA, Shadows of Ithilien

Ereblen at HA, A Gift From the Enemy
Ereblen at HA, Life Springs Anew
Ereblen at HA, Tending the Garden - must do:

Ereblen on the road N of Cair Andros has a few quests

Thurindol at HA, Sap Tapper
Thurindol at HA, Saving the Wilds
Thurindol at HA, Snuffing Them Out - must do:

Thurindol N of Crossroads, Through the Gardens of Gondor - Mablung in after-battle Osgiliath sends you there
Aragorn at CotH, Idle Hands quest line to MT High Hall
Ioreth at MT HH, An Apprentice's Guide to Ithilien - until Milgamel arrives at HA

Mithrandir at CotH, Noisome and Unrelenting - must do:

Vol IV Book 7 Chapter 9 By Secret Steps

/Mirar (talk) 08:22, 26 May 2017 (UTC)

Finishing Vol IV Book 7 Chapter 9 By Secret Steps gave me the quest now. Might be the only requirement.

/Mirar (talk) 10:05, 26 May 2017 (UTC)