Quest Talk:Chapter 5.2: Making Ready To Depart

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  • Sigileth: 'I do wish I had my knives for this mission. Lanchigil and Egnassigil would make short work of the Kindred of the Coins. . ."
  • I wonder what would happen if you had one of those knives in your inventory when you reached this point on your quest.
I asked MoL in a forum PM, and he replied:
I considered it but there wasn't any good way to make it work -- back in 2009 I didn't have the foresight of giving the knives the trackable effect it would have taken for Sigileth to see them today! :D
Just pretend that she says this: "You keep him for now, PLAYER NAME. Lanchigil/Egnassigil has served you well and faithfully since we parted company, and it would be a shame to separate the two of you now." Lally (talk) 20:23, 30 May 2024 (UTC)